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You watch as the boy walks over to you and sits beside you.

You look away from him, watching the horizon.

The trees had started to cover the slowly setting sun, making them look a golden green colour.

"I'm not dumb." Edmund says looking back to you, "I know something's wrong."

"Am I that bad at acting?" You smile weakly, attempting at a joke.

Edmund smiled in return, but he clearly just wanted an answer.

"Peter sent me to find out what's wrong with you." Edmund says, itching his neck.

"Oh." You reply.

"It's quite obvious that something has been wrong since you were brought back actually." Edmund continues.

"Well, if I tell you do you promise not to tell Peter and the others?" You say nervously.

"Oh! Do you have a deep dark mysterious secret Y/n?" Edmund smirks as he teases you.

But, the smirk quickly fades when you stare at him seriously.

"Oh.." Edmund whispers, looking down.

"Well.. it's a little hard to explain." You say, plucking a leaf from a vine growing across the wall behind you.

You held it in front of you and Edmund watched it as you explained.

"Ever since the shard of ice hit my heart, I've been able to.. well.. to do this."

You focused on the leaf, channeling the cold from your heart and allowing to ripple across your body, reaching its target at your fingertips.

Ice crept up the small piece of greenery, creating beautiful patterns as your fingertips pulsed a pale blue colour.

When the leaf froze solid you offered it to Edmund whose eyes were wider than you thought possible.

"N-No way." He stuttering, looking at the leaf in horror and practically squirting away from it.

He looked so shaken by the sight of your powers that you started to feel guilty. If Edmund reacted like this, how would the rest of Narnia act?

"I'm sorry." You say, placing the leaf on the stone in front of you.

"Y/n," Edmund says calmly after about thirty seconds of silence, it seemed he was trying not to seem scared, "I won't tell anyone you know."

"Thanks." You say, feeling awkward.

"Sorry, it's just.. it's.. bad memories I guess." He says, looking at you in the eyes sincerely.

"I know, I would've told someone else but I thought you'd understand it best." You say, picking up the leaf and twiddling it between your two fingers.

"I probably do but that doesn't mean I know loads about it." Edmund smiled politely before smirking a little, "I mean, I'm sure it won't turn you into a crazy power-hungry child predator like the White Witch."

"I hope." You say, returning his smile.

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