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The others began their ascent up the cliff side towards the ruins that Edmund had pointed out.

You trailed at the back of the crowd with Lucy who seemed to be struggling with getting over a rock.

"Do you need a hand?" You ask politely, holding one out.

"No, I'm perfectly fine thank you." The girl says as she skilfully manoeuvres herself around the obstacle.

Well, at least she was straightforward.

"So.. erm.." You itch the back of your neck as you walk, "Why and how are we here?"

Lucy turns around, speaking confidently, "Well it's magic isn't it!"

You hear Edmund laugh a little at your confused face that had actually got more confused since hearing Lucy's statement.

"Basically Y/n, Narnia is a magical place. When we last came here, we accidentally stumbled into the forest through a wardrobe. The magic of transporting us is completely irrational and unpredictable but everything happens for a reason so I can-"

You cut Edmund off mid sentence.

"Are you saying you've been here before?" You ask, wide eyes.

"Yes, all four of us, around a year ago." He answers, undoing his school tie slightly.

"Well, what happened?" You meet his eyes, encouraging him to continue with his story.

"We actually had to fight this evil witch who had condemned Narnia to an eternal winter. There was a prophecy that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve were to bring back summer which turned out to be about us. We were actually crowned as Kings and Queens and our reign was called the 'Golden Era' which meant we must've been good." Edmund informs you.

You grin at him, "So I'm technically speaking to a king. Do you want me to address you as 'Your Majesty' or would you prefer 'Your Royal Highness?" You mock.

He shoves you in the arm jokingly as you two share a smile.

"So you're a king and you're what.. fourteen?" You raise an eyebrow but Edmund just shrugged.

"Time is different here."

Soon enough, the four of you arrive in a clearing filled with crumbling stone walls covered in ivy.

As Peter and Edmund strode off to explore, you found yourself following Susan and Lucy who were running their hands along the ruins.

You stare out at the horizon, the view of the sea was more magnificent than ever now that you were up high.

"I wonder who lived here.." Lucy thought aloud, making you turn your attention towards her.

"I think we did." Susan says, holding up a little stone figure.

You were about to interrupt, but then you remembered how Edmund said that time was strange here so you decide to stay quiet.

"Hey that's mine.. from my chess set!" You hear Edmund speak.

He traipsed over and snatched the figure from his sister's grasp.

"Which chess set?" Peter asks.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley did I?" The boy didn't take his eyes of the piece, clearly reminiscing old times.

You glance over at Susan and Lucy who were sharing a worried look.

"It can't be." Lucy muttered under her breath.

The girl dragged her siblings towards the centre of the ruins and began to inform them of which part of the building they were stood in.

"Cair Paravel." Peter declares, hardly able to believe the words coming from his mouth.

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