Not Secret Anymore

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"Well, what else can you do?" Edmund asks, looking reasonably happy now. You were just glad he wasn't terrified of you anymore.

"Hmm.." You say, thinking until you got a good idea. "I'm not sure if this is going to work but I might as well give it a shot."

You close your eyes tightly, picturing something in your head as vividly as you could. Then you allowed the ice to flow through you again and into the air in front of you.

You hear Edmund gasp and you open your eyes, seeing that you'd made exactly what you imagined.

A sparkling white sword hung in the air above your hand. It was more detailed and intricate than any sword you'd ever seen before. It looked sharp too and you could probably kill someone with it if you wanted.

"Wow." Edmund says, "That's magnificent."

You smile, giving it to him.

"Won't it melt though?" He asks, unable to process the situation entirely.

"Not if I concentrate on it." You reply, a glint sparkling in your e/c eyes.

"Y/n! Your new powers are exactly what we need to defeat the Telmarines!" Edmund says, standing up, "Don't you see?"

You wanted to help. You really did. But you knew that you couldn't risk Narnia turning against you.

"What if they think my powers are evil?" You ask.

"I won't let them." Edmund says grinning as he stood up, walking away to speak to the others.

"Wait. Ed. Don't tell them. Please." You say, making him stop and turn around.

"Seriously Y/n, it'll be fine!" Edmund says throwing his arms up in the air.


When he ignored you, your blood began to boil. You were so annoyed by Edmund's betrayal that you couldn't control the wave of ice that was pulsing through you.

The ice ripped across the stone, leaving a trail of spikes.

Ed turned around and jumped away just in time to avoid the streak of ice that could've easily stabbed him.

Guilt rippled through you more furiously than the ice ever did. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you hurt one of your friends.

"I'm so so sorry!" You say, rushing down to him, "I didn't mean t-"

"Y/n." He said calmly, not bothered by the icy threat. "Calm down. I won't tell them."

You sigh in relief and hug him, grateful that he was still alive more than anything.

"They already know." Edmund's three words crushed you almost instantly.

You pulled yourself away and stare at him in disbelief. He just looked at you apologetically and sympathetically before looking down at the entrance of the building.

Around fifty Narnians had crowded around the ruins to watch you. They must've heard the commotion and came to check on the two of you.

The centaurs, fauns, minotaurs, elves, woodland animals and dwarfs all stood silently, clearly shocked by the ancient magic they'd just witnessed.

For them, it was the stuff of legends and was barely comprehendible for them. In fact, it was also barely comprehendible for you too.

"Y/n.." Susan's terrified voice fills the void of silence.

"I'm sorry." Those were the only two words you could muster as the tears froze on your face.

The ice was spreading out from around you like a disease, even Edmund had to step away.

You couldn't control it in the slightest and didn't know what to do.

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