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Later that evening when the battle strategy was completely decided and the weapons were ready for action, Peter sent you to prepare yourself.

The six humans were to be brought towards Miraz's castle by griffin and you had to admit, you were a little nervous over the thought of flying on the underside of those creatures.

Especially since if they moved their legs in the slightest, it would risk you falling hundreds of meters to death on the rocks around the castle.

"Don't worry Y/n, you'll be fine." Lucy says, giving you a quick hug as you went towards your animal, "I wish I join you."

"It'd be painful seeing you get hurt Lucy. We can't risk that. Besides, we need you back here." You lower your voice, "Between you and me, I think you could make a better leader than Peter."

Lucy giggled, pulling you into another hug whilst Edmund, Susan and Caspian joined you beside the griffins.

They were all wearing protective clothes like you. Ranging from chainmail to padded gowns. You were wearing leather because it was the most comfortable option.

Lucy went and hugged her siblings, leaving Caspian standing quite awkwardly.

"Do you all remember the plan?" Peter asks, finally walking over to join you all.

"Yes." Edmund rolls his eyes, "For the thousandth time, yes."

Peter raised his eyebrows.

Susan sighed, explaining the plan to prove to her brother that she understood it.

"..and then Y/n can open the gate when she sees the signal from Edmund and his torch.."

That was all you needed to know. The signal was simple too. On, Off, On, Off, On, Off. It also helped that you knew what a modern torch was unlike the people from Narnia.

Eventually, Susan finished explaining and you all moved to get on your griffins.

"Oh Y/n." Edmund says, lifting your sword and handing it to you, "This is for you."

You had almost forgot that he'd taken your sword. You smile, happy to have it back. You missed the feeling of a blade in your hands.

But, when you flipped it over, you noticed Edmund had engraved a little something into the blade.

Tag along

"Haha, very funny Ed." You say sarcastically as he grinned like an idiot, walking away and getting on his griffin.

Even though it was quite blatantly a joke, it didn't do anything to soothe your doubts about your place in Narnia. You realise that your breaths were getting shaky.

"Y/n?" Peter asks, standing beside you.

You lower your sword and look up at him. It seemed that everyone but you were getting on their griffins. The Narnians had gathered to see you off.

It did occur to you that all the others had fought battles before so you had reason to act a little nervous as a first timer.

You quickly walked towards yours and allowed it to pick you up. It started beating its heavy wings in the air, sending gusts of wind across the field and making your hair go wild.

Suddenly, it swooped up, reaching around fifty meters above the ground. The others followed after. You felt surprisingly safe in its grasp, you smiled, admiring the Narnian scenery below you.

You could faintly hear the cheering noise of the Narnians below you as you flew towards the castle on the hill.

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