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You awoke on a bed in the makeshift infirmary that had been made for the soldiers wounded in last nights battle. Or at least, you thought it was last night.

You cough up some blood as the world faded in and out.

"Y/n?" You hear Lucy's voice. She must've been stood beside you. "Everyone it's fine! Y/n is fine! It's all good! She's okay!"

You hear the noise of footsteps rushing towards you and the familiar clunking of swords swinging in their scabbards.

Judging just by sound, you knew that there were five people around you, and it wasn't exactly hard to guess who they were.

You open your eyes to see that your bed was surrounded by your friends. You smile at their hopeful faces making them all grin back.

"Oh Y/n." Susan says on the brink of tears, "I thought you were gone forever!"

Surprisingly, she pulled you into a tight hug almost knocking all the air out of you.

"Alright Susan don't kill her just yet." Peter jokes.

"This is so wonderful." Lucy says, practically jumping with joy.

"I think we're all glad to have you back." Caspian says, "Thank you for saving me from the witch."

You nod to Caspian as if to say 'No problem.' but you were more interested in the guy who was standing around in the corner.

"Ed? Have you been crying?" You smirk slightly look up at Edmund who wasn't making eye contact with you.

"What? No." Edmund says, "That's preposterous. No! Why would I.."

He trailed off but Lucy kept giggling.

"We didn't think the cordial worked. Susan thought you were too far gone." Peter says seriously, "You didn't wake up for almost an hour!"

"Well, I'm alive n-Oww" You clutch your heart, it still hurt and still felt as cold as the ice that had punctured it.

"Hey. You should rest." Peter instructs, "The dwarves will bring you some soup in a minute."

You smile as the others walk away. The pain was almost worth it just to feel like a part of this world.

You noticed Susan lingering around your bed a little longer than the others.

"Y/n." She whispered, "I know you've only just woken up but you know the situation with err.."

"Caspian?" You guess.

"Shh." Susan says, "Do you think I should tell him?"

"Tell him what?" You ask.

"Tell him how I fee-" Susan was cut off by a stout dwarf delivering you some soup.

Susan quickly skittered off into the background as you sipped your warm food, however it didn't quite manage to warm your heart.

You shiver in anger, wondering if you'll ever be warm again. You stare at your soup, gripping the bowl tightly.

You look at the dwarf who was waddling away and wondered if you could get some warmer food.

But to your horror, when you looked back down at your soup, your hands were an icy blue.

And that icy blue was spreading through the bowl and into the soup. Your eyes widen in terror as your soup freezes entirely.

You quickly hide your frozen soup bowl underneath your bed your blue hands under the duvet as you breathe rapidly, wondering how long you could keep this new secret.

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