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Even though you were fighting well, the rest of Narnia wasn't. You watched as a faun fell to the floor in a pool of blood and as a Minotaur fell from the rooftops.

You couldn't see Peter or Edmund but Caspian and Susan seemed alright, that was a relief.

But what wasn't a relief was that one of the soldiers from Telmar had cut the rope securing the gate. Now it was quickly clattering down, trapping you in the castle.

It was clear what the Telmarines were doing. They were trying to make this castle your tomb by sealing you inside and never letting you see the light of day ever again.

A Minotaur suddenly darted across the yard to hold the gate open. You watched it as it roared in pain, straining under the pressure of keeping it up.

"Fall back!" You hear Peter's voice yell. At least he was alive.

You look to Susan who was walking towards Peter.

"We need to retreat! Now!" Peter says, kicking a Telmarine off the steps.

You knock a man out with the blunt of your sword, paying more attention to Peter than the battle.

The high king was now speaking to the centaurs.

"Get the girls out of here, go back to the gate." He yells.

You keep fighting until a centaur offers to pick you up. You were torn between getting to safety and fighting for Narnia. You look back to the gate, analysing your chances.

"Not yet." You say, "We have to make sure the others get out."

The centaur shook his head, "I'm sorry, the High King's orders are the ones I obey as much as I admire your courage and chivalry."

You sigh, allowing it to help you climb onto its back. "Very well then."

You ride along with Susan who was yelling back to Peter. It was something about Caspian. You would've made a joke but it was definitely not the right time.

The Minotaur roared once more as you left through the gate. You glance back, worried about Peter and Edmund. As a matter of fact, you hadn't seen Edmund since he was attacked by the archers.

Maybe they did get him after all.

Your worried thoughts are soon soothed by the squark of a griffin flying overhead and the noise of two horses galloping out of the gates behind you.

Your friends were all safe but the Narnians were not. You watch as the Minotaur screams in agony, the gate finally crushing it.

Many good soldiers were trapped behind the gate, stuck in hell with Miraz's soldiers.

Your centaur stopped, saying goodbye to his friend before trotting off solemnly. Away from the castle and it's horrors.

You notice a tear leaking from your centaur's eye as it rode off into the distance, letting go of its sword.

You watched as it rattled on the floor before slowing. It looked as hopeless as the battle that you had just lost.

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