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Although Caspian wasn't particularly happy about it, at around noon Peter declared that you would be fighting the Telmarines at Miraz's castle that night.

This gave you less than a day to learn how to fight properly.

"Ed." You say after lunch, tapping his shoulder.

Edmund was selecting a sword to fight with for the battle, weighing up different models in his hands. At the sight of you, he spun around, still holding the weapons.

"I was wondering if you could teach me how to fight with a sword." You twiddle your fingers, "I mean, Peter said you were the best in Narnia so I thought maybe.."

"Well, I'm sure that some of the centaurs would be better," Edmund grinned, "But yeah, I'll help."

The two of you practised outside on the field for a couple of hours. You used the sword you picked up back at Cair Paravel whereas Edmund switched between the ones that the Narnians had forged.

"You can do better than that.. tag along." He teased, smacking the sword right out of your hand.

"Oh shut up." You say smiling as you regained your posture, ready to fight again.

Edmund beat you almost every time but he didn't have the right weighted sword it made it considerably easy to fight him, or at least that was his excuse. So when you knock a sword from his grasp for the third time you speak.

"Let me guess.. wrong sword?" You smirk, proud of yourself even when it was obvious he was going easy on you.

"You're getting better, I'll give you that." He smiled, lowering his sword as he noticed Susan walking out the entrance and towards you.

"Y/n." She yelled, "Can you help me with something?"

You glance back at Edmund. You definitely needed more practice but he just nodded at you as if telling you to go and see what was up with Susan.

"Wait." Edmund says, making you turn around, "Can I borrow your sword?"

You shrug, lifting it from its scabbard and handing it to him.

"Oh, is this your old sword or something?" You ask, feeling guilty for using it for that long.

"Well, yes, but that's not why I wanted it." He said, turning back around.

"Alright, see you." You skip over to Susan who was sitting on a rock by the entrance. She looked troubled and held her head in her hands.

"Hey, are you alright?" You ask, looking at her worried face.

"Yes. No. I- I don't know." She says getting up, "Actually Y/n, don't worry about it. It's nothing."

She walked towards the entrance so you follow but then she walked backwards, she had spotted Prince Caspian.

"Ah." You say smiling, you'd realised what was the problem, "Boy troubles?"

"Oh shut up." She smiled back, hitting you playfully.

"So what's the problem." You ask.

"Nothing really. I just.. I'm scared I'll mess it up." She says, sitting back on the stone and dangling her feet off the edge.

You join her, smiling politely.

"Susan. You're the Queen of Narnia and one of the nicest people I've ever met, I doubt you'll mess it up. Caspian's a nice guy and I'm sure he feels the same way."

"If you say so." She kicks her legs back and forth.

"Try not to think about it much though." You place a hand on her shoulder, "We've got a battle to fight yet."

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