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"Ed." You say to your friend, "Slow down, I need to get off this horse."

"Why? Pete said we needed to go back." Edmund replies.

"You can, I just need to do something." You say seriously.

Edmund thinks for a little before slowing his horse down, "No, I'm staying with you."

"Fine." You say, slipping off the horse and standing alone in the middle of the field.

Edmund and the horse waited behind you whilst he shot any Telmarines that got too close to you with his crossbow.

You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the raw screams of agony and the clash of sword upon sword. All you needed to do was focus your energy and you would be fine.

You could feel your heart throbbing as you heard the familiar crackle of ice forming.

"Woah." You hear Edmund say as you open your eyes to look at your creation.

A huge sheet of transparent ice had formed in front you, it was higher than you could've imagined and was acting as a great wall to keep the Telmarines away for a little.

You knew that everyone's eyes were glued to you on both sides of the wall but it wasn't as strong as you expected.

The first catapult hauled into it made it dented at the top, white lines began to form around where it hit.

"We don't have much time." You murmur, looking to Edmund, "Round the troops. Line them up and prepare for battle. This is it."

Edmund nodded, riding away at your request and persuading the people to form a line behind the wall just as the second rock slammed into the ice.

You strained to keep the ice from melting and almost bursted a blood vessel from trying to replenish the broken ice.

It was a summers day and that made your powers significantly weaker.

The Telmarine foot soldiers had started slashing at the bottom of your ice, meaning that you had little time left.

You keep your hands pressed firmly on the wall, feeling your power flow through them and into the ice.

"Y/n!" You hear Susan's voice yell randomly.

You spin your head around to see why she was shouting but it was too late.

It seemed that a Telmarine soldier had snuck up behind you and stabbed a sword into your body.

You stare at your wound as ice creeps up the weapon that was now stuck inside of you. You pull it out and kill your attacker with it but you were weak now.

You wouldn't be able to hold the ice.

You back away as the ice shatters and hits the ground with a clattering noise.

You stumble away from the attackers as they charge towards the Narnians. You were grateful that Edmund had managed to organise them into a neat fighting formation that was especially good because it allowed you to sneak away.

You began to cough up blood as Susan got to you.

"Y/n, are you alright?" She asks, holding you up as you limped to the side of the battlefield.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine, I'm definitely not coughing up blood with a twisted ankle and a wounded stomach." You said weakly, you were surprised you could manage sarcasm even though you were so drained.

You close your eyes as Susan lowers you to the ground. You rested your head on a tree trunk and lowered your sword, allowing it to clatter to the ground.

"Y/n," She was starting to sob, "Y/n, stay with me."

"Hey, it's alright, I'm here." You practically whisper, opening your eyes again, "Actually, I take that back, I might be dying. The trees look as if.. as if they're moving."

You watch as a tree hurtles it's roots across the battlefield, tearing the soil and destroying the Telmarine soldiers.

"They are." Susan confirms, watching the remaining colour drain from your face.

"Lucy!!!" Was the last thing you heard.

It seemed that dying was becoming a bit of a habit.

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