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"Susan! Wake up!" Lucy whispers.

You ignore her, you were so tired after staying up most of the night. You groan, turning over and opening your eyes just a fraction.

Looking over to your right you got a glimpse of a small figure wearing red disappear behind a rock. You didn't think much of it. Maybe it was just Lucy foraging some berries for breakfast. That'd be nice.

"Where's Lucy going?" You hear Peter's voice, he sounded concerned.

You look over and get up, catching up with Peter as he quickly walked in the direction Lucy had disappeared.

You start speaking, you voice sounding raw from the night before.

"She's probably just g-"

You stop, spotting Lucy about two feet away from yet another evil looking creature. You remember from reading Greek myths that you were staring at a Minotaur.

Peter acted quickly, covering his sister's mouth so that she didn't attract any more attention to herself.

The two of them crouched down behind a rasped bush so you did likewise, hiding from the animal.

Peter drew his sword, slowly getting up from safety to approach the minotaur.

"Be careful." You add, making Peter turn back and miss the fact that a boy around his age was standing behind him with an equally as beautiful sword ready for attack.

The two's blades collided, glistening in the morning sun. You couldn't help but feel a little guilty that you'd thrown Peter off but he would recover.

Just looking at the fighting, you could tell that Edmund was better than both of them. But, there was supposed to be more to a king than how well he wielded his sword so you let the two of them be.

You glance at Lucy who looked frightened. And she had good reason to be. Her brother was currently lifting a rock, ready to drop it on the head of his opponent.

"Stop!" You hear a voice yell. It was Lucy. She'd noticed all the mythical creatures huddling around to watch the commotion and realised that Peter shouldn't be fighting that man. He was with the Narnians.

"Prince Caspian?" Peter had just noticed this too.

"Yes." His opponent muttered, a little out of breath from the duel, "And who are you?"

Peter didn't reply, he was busy looking behind you at Susan and Edmund who were rushing over and yelling his name along with the dwarf.

"High King Peter." Caspian said, a little more certain.

"I believe you called." Peter says dramatically, holding his ground even if he'd made peace with his opponent.

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