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The rest of the journey continued in silence besides a little bit of bickering.

Everyone was so shocked by the barbaric creature that they needed some time to recover.

Especially you who had never killed anything before.

"Are you alright now Y/n?" Edmund asks, his sword slowly swinging back and forth in its scabbard as he walked.

"Yeah, I'm alive aren't I?" You smile before looking up, "I don't think Peter is though."

"What? Peter's not dead." Edmund says, "He's right there."

"No silly, I mean he's not alright. I think he's having trouble with directions."

You point to Peter who'd stopped in his tracks and had started to scratch his head.

"I think you're right about that Y/n." Susan says, shaking her head at her older brothers stupidity.

"I'm not lost." Peter says quietly.

"No, you're just going the wrong way." Trumpkin says grumpily.

Peter was now stood on a rock for some reason.

"You last saw Caspian at the shuddering woods and the quickest way there is across the river rush." He says, assertively.

"But unless I'm mistaken there's no crossing in these parts." The dwarf argues.

"That explains it then." Peter says aggressively, practically spitting on the dwarf, "You're mistaken."

"What's up with him?" You quietly whisper to Lucy as you continue your journey.

She just shrugged. "He's been like this for a while. Ever since we got back from Narnia."

"Oh." You say, following the group into a ridge.

It was a long way down to a merciless looking bubbling river.

"See, over time the water erodes the earth's soil, carving deeper into th-" Susan begins to explain but it cut off by her older brother.

"Oh shut up." Peter says, grumpily.

"Is there a way down?" Edmund asks the dwarf.

"Yes. Falling."

"Well, we weren't lost." Peter says, keeping his argument up.

The dwarf simply just rolled his eyes, "There's a ford near Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?"

"I'd rather that than walking." Susan says as the group turned around.

You take a few paces before hearing Lucy's voice.


You turn around, snapping a twig underfoot in the process.

"Aslan. It's Aslan over there!" Lucy grins, pointing over at the other side of the cliff, "Don't you see he's right-"

Her voice falters, noticing there was nothing there.

"Do you see him now?" The dwarf asks, mockingly.

"I'm not crazy." She says confidently, "He was there. He wanted us to follow him."

Everyone except from Lucy shared doubtful glances.

"I'm sure there are many numbers of lions in this wood." Peter tries to explain.

"I think I know Aslan when I see him." She says persistently, pushing past her brother.

Edmund looked at you, maybe he believed Lucy just a little bit.

"Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff for someone who doesn't exist." The dwarf says.

Silence hung around the group for a while before Edmund perked up.

"Last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid." He points out.

"Why wouldn't I have seen him?" Peter asks, a little selfishly.

"Maybe you weren't looking." Lucy adds.

"I'm sorry Lu." He says, walking away with Susan.

You turn to follow but notice Lucy still staring out and Edmund watching her.

You wait as he nods for his sister to move and you walk with the two of them quietly.

"Wait, can you two hear that?" You ask.

Edmund looks up at you but Lucy still seemed grumpy.

"What?" He questions.

"It sounds like.. people."


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