Cair Paravel

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"Cair Paravel?" You repeat his words, "You know that's a really weird thing to name a castle as."

Although you hadn't spoken quietly, you were ignored or simply not heard by the four who seemed so engrossed in the stone walls that it was beginning to freak you out.

"Catapults." Edmund says, crouched down beside one of the crushed pillars.

"What?" Peter questions, sauntering towards his younger brother.

"This didn't just happen. Cair Paravel was attacked." Edmund states, looking up at his family.

Suddenly, Peter looked up as if a switch was thrown inside of him. Either that or he'd just remembered something important.

"Y/n, give me a hand with this." He says, striding towards a wall.

"What?" You ask as Edmund walked over to help as well.

"Move.. this wall.." He grunted as he tried to move it to the side.

You were confused at first but when you figured that it must be a secret door or something, you quickly rushed over to help them out.

When the wall was finally moved to the left, it revealed a simple wooden door which Peter ripped open, breaking the old fashioned lock mechanism.

The door slowly swung open, creaking as it did so.

It looked dark down there so Peter had decided to make a torch, using his shirt and tying it to a stick.

"I don't suppose you've any matches, do you?" He asks, looking at Edmund.

"No," Edmund replied, fishing around in his school satchel, "But.. would this help?"

A grin spread across the boys face as he lifted out a swanky new torch and holding it in the air as if on show.

"You might've mentioned that a bit sooner!" Peter says, making his two sister smile.

Edmund just kept smiling as he held the torch and walked past you and his siblings, entering the hidden chamber.

You couldn't help but wonder what kind of stuff they'd have put down there. The stuff must've been pretty important to be concealed away in such a secretive place.

Edmund lead the way down the spiral staircase until it revealed a large room holding four equally large chests.

"If I'm being completely honest, I'd say this place was pretty cool." You say, a smile spreading across your face.

"You're right about that Y/n." Lucy says before running off towards one of the chests.

Because there were four of them, you had to assume that they had one each, filled with whatever they wanted to store.

"I can't believe it! It's all still here." Peter says, walking over to his.

The others began to chat with each other but since you had no chest, you found yourself milling around in the rubble.

Suddenly, your eyes land upon a magnificent looking sword. It had intricate patterns starting from the hilt before spiralling up all the way across the blade.

You pick it up, it was the perfect weight in your hands.

"Hey.. erm.. do you mind if I hold onto this?" You ask no one in particular as you admire the weapon.

"I don't see why not." Peter grins, "Can you fight with it?"

"No, but I'm sure I'll figure it out." You say, making Edmund laugh a little.

The four dig through their old stuff with excitement in their eyes but Susan didn't look as happy as the others.

"Are you alright?" You ask, walking over to her, still flipping the blade in your hand.

"It's my horn.. I must've left it on my saddle the day we went back." She says, looking annoyed.

Peter didn't really listen, he was too busy with his own sword. He read the inscription that had been engraved onto it aloud.

"When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets it's death."

"And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." Lucy finishes his quote, she clearly knew it off by heart.

The words the two said must've been powerful and meaningful since silent hung in the chamber for a good thirty seconds.

"Everyone we knew.. Mr Tumnus and the beavers.. they're all gone." Lucy says solemnly.

The kings and queens look to the floor, saddened by this thought.

Peter, however, knew that he had to save his siblings from their own thoughts.

"I think it's time we find out what's going on here."

Your grip tightens around your sword, for once you agreed with him.

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