Beneath the Stars

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The constellations sparkled in the narnian sky as the birds flapped by overhead, soaring to get to their nests before it got too dark.

You all had decided to tell stories around the fire but you found yourself drifting off to sleep half way through Susan's.

It was another one of their previous adventures in Narnia. It seemed they'd lived here for fifteen years before this which was weird because that meant that Lucy and Edmund had spent more time in Narnia than they had in the real world.

If that even counted as real anymore.

You wondered when you'd be going back, it wasn't like you could choose.

You stared at your sword as you drifted off, watching as the inscription shimmered in the starlight.

Because you fell asleep so early, you found yourself waking up early as well.

It couldn't have been shy of 2:00am when you awoke to the embers of a dying fire and a figure sat beside it.

It reminded you of when you'd first got to Narnia and you had a breakdown by the fire.

Edmund had helped you then and you were determined to help whoever was sat beside the flames.

When you neared the dying light source, you noticed it was Lucy who was sitting beside the fire.

"Are you alright?" You ask, scooting beside her.

"Yeah," She says, giving you a smile, "I just wanted to watch the fire."

"It is beautiful isn't it." You reply, watching as the small flame flickers.

You'd always loved fire and you found it quite ironic that you ended up with ice powers.

"I didn't want to stoke it in case it got to bright for the others to sleep." She informs you, glancing to Edmund who was now stirring in his sleep.

You watched as Edmund mumbled a few words, tossing and turning.

"No.... Get off me... I don't..." Edmund mutters as he rolled over, "No.. please.. stay away.."

"Should we wake him?" You ask Lucy, feeling bad for the boy.

"He always has nightmares. It was quite a problem back in Cair Paravel. He used to scream in the middle of the night waking us all up." Lucy admits but that only gave you more reason to wake your friend up.

"Ed?" You ask, shaking him slightly.

He wakes up, opening his eyes but flinching when he feels your cold touch.

"Sorry, did I freeze you?" You ask, feeling a little guilty.

"No, I just thought you were someone else." He says groggily, "Why did you wake me up then?"

"You were having night terrors." You tell him.

"Oh.. you heard." He says, a little ashamed.

"Yeah." Lucy answers, "Are you alright?"

"No.. I hate them.." Edmund says, avoiding eye contact.

"What were they about?" You ask curiously.

Edmund didn't reply for a while, as if he was working up the courage to answer.

"They're always the same." Edmund sighs, "It's always about her."

You weren't dumb. You knew who she was.

"The White Witch." You breathe, feeling a chill down your spine.

Eventually, Lucy managed to steer the conversation away from the negativity and distract Edmund from his dark thoughts.

You weren't really listening to Lucy. You just felt guilty that you were a constant reminder to Edmund of the woman he hated, feared and despised.

"Y/n," Lucy asks slightly irritated, "Are you even listening?"

You blurt out a 'no' making Edmund laugh so naturally the two of you join in with him.

"Do you guys know the constellations here?" You ask, lying yourself down on the grass and staring up to the sky.

"Actually." Lucy grinned, lying down beside you, "We're one of them. Aslan put it up there."

"No way!" You open your mouth, "Where?"

She pointed towards the right corner of the sky where you could just make out four individuals and four thrones.

"How come I've never heard of this?" Edmund says, lying down beside his sister.

"You don't listen." Lucy says, making you laugh.

The three of you stargazed until you drifted to sleep, hoping that you wouldn't be tired for the coronation tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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