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That night you set up camp on a hilltop covered in a range of different trees. They looked so beautiful just standing still that you couldn't comprehend how pretty they'd look if they moved or even danced as Lucy said they did.

You sit cradling your knees as the fire crackles at your feet. The others had long since gone to sleep but you couldn't.

Nighttime had fallen and the Narnian moon was currently casting eerie shadows over the previously colourful trees making them look spooky and menacing.

However, you barely noticed the surrounding, your eyes were glued to the flames as they shimmered in the dark. You slowly rocked back and forth, not noticing the tears rolling down your face.


You hear a voice and whip your head around. It was Edmund. He was lying on the floor like the others and it wouldn't be hard to mistake him for asleep but his eyes were open and he was talking to you.

You curse, wiping away your tears as he tilted his head slightly to look at you.

"It's late sh-" Edmund stopped speaking when he noticed the residue of tears glistening on your face, he sprung up and moved to sit beside you. "Are you okay?"

You give him your best smile, which wasn't much at the minute. "Yeah, alright."

He raised his eyebrows as if to say 'really?'

You sit in silence for a couple of seconds before Edmund asks, "Do you not like it here or something?"

You stare at the fire as you speak, not daring to look at the boy beside you, not wanting to embarrass yourself.

"I do, that's the problem. I like Narnia a lot, which is odd because it's making me doubt whether London and life away from here is even relevant anymore. And.. I don't know if I want to forget it or remember it. It's confusing.. I.. I don't know." You trail off, holding your head in your hands.

Edmund sits beside you staring at the fire as well, he looked as if he was thinking of a decent reply.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, we'll be here for you in both realities so you won't have to go through this alone." He says.

He had a point, you did go to the same school now.

"Ed?" You hear Susan mumble, "What's going on?"

You glance over at Susan's half asleep body. She was holding her bow in her left hand, just in case.

"Shhh.. Susan.. Go back to sleep." Edmund whispers.

"Alright." Susan says casually, rolling over and letting go of her weapon.

The two of you stay by the fire, not daring to say a word incase it wakes anyone up.

"Look." Edmund whispers in your ear, points to Peter. He kept whispering something in his sleep about being magnificent which made Edmund crack up. And naturally, his laughing made you laugh so the two of you were in heaps of laughter before you even knew it.

"Maybe we should go to sleep now." You say eventually, smiling at your friend.

"Probably." Edmund grinned.

You practically collapse onto the grass, it was softer than your mattress back in London, that was a bonus.

Lucy mumbled and turned over in her sleep beside you. She had a huge grin on her face which you had to admit was a little bit unnerving.

You shrug it off, falling asleep and feeling just a little more content than you were before.

A/n- I'm so happy people are finally reading this cuz I have loads of unposted chapters lmao

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