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Peter clearly didn't trust Caspian and you didn't think Caspian trusted him either.

"Yes but.." Caspian looked at Peter up and down, "I thought you'd be older."

"Well, if you'd like, we can come back in a few years." Peter says, leaning back a little.

"No." Caspian demands, "No it's alright. You're just not exactly what I expected."

His voice lightens as he glances over at Susan who was looking back very awkwardly.

"Neither are you." Edmund says, glancing between the two future lovebirds.

"Although, I remember the tales of four kings and queens of old, not five." Caspian points to you.

"I got brought along with these." You say, defending yourself, "Remember, you even said it yourself, you need all the help you can get."

Caspian paused for a moment, as if contemplating something before suddenly lifting his sword, causing your new friends to gasp.

"Not if the help is a Telmarine spy." Caspian lifted the sword to your neck. It was so close that you were scared to breathe in case you cut yourself.

"No!" You hear Edmund yell, reaching for his sword.

Caspian turned to Edmund and then back to Peter who was still stood beside him.

"Think about it. A human in Narnia for no reason? Not very likely. But a Telmarine getting just close enough to the royals to be able to take them down.. that seems more realistic." Caspian speaks to the Pevensies as if you weren't there.

"I very much doubt she is, she only just learnt what a Telmarine was the other day." Peter says, trying to keep calm.

"I swear I'm not." You say, lifting your hands into the air.

Caspian glanced at your frightened face and withdrew his sword, probably feeling guilty.

"Very well." He said, "But, I'll be watching. And if I find out you are lying to us, then.. let's just say things won't turn out very well for you."

"I don't care for the Telmarines, I care for my friends, and I'm siding with them." You point to the four siblings who were standing a little awkwardly.

Edmund was clutching his sword, Susan was staring at Caspian and Lucy looked awfully confused by the whole situation.

You walk towards them as the tension disappears. You were just grateful to not be at the end of a sword anymore.

"A common enemy unites the oldest of foes." You hear a voice from the audience add.

As the Narnians strained to introduce themselves to the high king, you hung back. Edmund clearly looked a little offended by how much attention the others were getting too.

Lucy was saying hello and waving to each individual animal, Peter was getting bombarded by creatures with a passion for fighting and even dying for him and Narnia and Susan was speaking to Caspian about who knows what. And quite frankly, you didn't really want to know.

"Hmm.." You say, looking at the two.

"What?" Edmund asks.

"Bets that the two of them will get together at some point." You say.

"That's not even a bet, that's a fact." Edmund says.

The two of you share a smirk as the Narnians guide you through the forest and towards a huge open field.

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