Aslan's Chamber

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You heard Lucy gasp. She had spotted the huge stone building at the end of the field. It looked old and was covered in plants, looking almost as if they'd built the castle into a hill.

You grin at her, figuring you had arrived at where the Narnians were staying.

As you near the castle, you notice how the centaurs had lined up at the entrance, holding their swords above the pathway creating an arch for the kings to walk through.

At first you hung back, letting Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy and Caspian walk through first. They were technically royalty after all.

However, when Lucy looked back and grabbed your hand, you knew that you were included in the group.

You jog forward, joining the five as they walked. Caspian and Peter walked in the middle, seeing as they were the most important, Edmund and Susan walked to the left and you and Lucy walked to the right.

You couldn't help but feel special as you walked down the stone ramp and into the building.

Inside, flaming torches lined the walls. You watched the fire crackling as a hundred or so Narnians worked hard constructing weapons. They had to keep up with the Telmarines somehow.

The creatures from the forest slowly spread themselves out, finding a place to work within the place.

"It may not be what you're used to but it is defensible." Caspian says, looking at Peter.

"Peter." Susan says from the corner of the room, "You may want to see this."

The whole lot of you followed Susan down a tunnel. It had pictures engraved on the wall, ranging from lampposts to girls riding on the back of a lion.

"Isn't that you." You say, pointing to a picture of four royals sat on thrones.

"I think so." Susan says as Peter held a torch to it, illuminating the details of the drawing.

Edmund ran his eyes across the wall, probably hoping that none of the images depicted his betrayal. You almost felt bad for him.

"What is this place?" Lucy asks Caspian who merely shrugged.

"You don't know?" Caspian says, the four just stared at him blankly.

Caspian sighed, taking a torch from the wall and using it to lead the way through the tunnel, past the story telling walls and into an open chamber.

Caspian lit the oil filled troughs and his fire spread about the room, lighting the stone carvings on the wall.

The Penvensies exchanged glances before staring at a drawing of a lion.

"Oh." You mutter pointing to the design, "Is that the Aslan you keep going on about?"

Edmund nodded.

"And that's the stone that he.. oh.. I get it now." You say, figuring it all out.

Lucy took a pace towards the broken sacrificial stone in the middle of the room. She ran her hand along the side of it, sighing slightly.

"He must know what he's doing." Lucy says to Susan who barely took her eyes of the lion on the wall.

Peter looked around, clutching his torch.

"I think it's up to us now." He says, determinedly.

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