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The two kings continue their fight with newfound energy.

You watch intently this time with Caspian as well as Edmund beside you.

Although Peter did get hit pretty badly, he managed to maintain the upper hand throughout the duel.

Towards the end, he even managed to knock Miraz onto his knees. Swordless, the man held a hand up to Peter, guilting him into stopping.

"Now's not the time for chivalry Peter." Edmund yells at his brother who didn't take his eyes of Miraz.

Finally, Peter sighed, lowering his sword and turning his back on the man.

Just as Peter was about to look back at you all and smile, you noticed a figure behind him slowly getting back to his feet.


"Look out."

You and Edmund shout in unison as Miraz charges for Peter, attacking an unarmed man with his telmarinian sword.

Peter wasn't the best swordsman in Narnia but he was surely a good one. Using his knowledge, he held up his hands, catching Miraz's sword and turning it around to face him.

Peter quickly grabbed the weapon, ducked for a minute before plunging the blade into Miraz's lower torso.

The king had barely even processed the situation and was suddenly shocked by the blood leaking through his clothes.

Still, the man still managed to stay calm, "What's the matter boy, too cowardly to take a life?"

Miraz was right, Peter was shuddering. He held the sword above the king's head and held it there for a good couple of seconds before sighing.

"It's not mine to take." The high king says, turning around to stare at the previous Prince of Telmar.

Peter held out Miraz's sword which Caspian walked over and claimed.

You could practically see the thirst for revenge coursing through his body as he aggressively stepped towards his uncle.

Just as Caspian held the sword to kill the Telmarine, he was struck by sixteen words that made him falter just like Peter.

"Perhaps I was wrong, maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all."

Caspian glared at his uncle, appalled by his remark.

"Caspian! Can't you see! He's messing with you." You yell, breaking the silence.

It seemed he was too lost in his own world to hear you because the boy suddenly let out a battle cry, plunging his sword downwards.

To your surprise, you didn't hear any screams, cries or thuds of a dead body crumpling to the ground.

Caspian hadn't killed his uncle, instead he'd planted his sword in a tuft of grass.

"Not one like you." Caspian murmurs, still keeping eye contact with the Telmarine.

Edmund glanced at his older brother who was mesmerised by the action.

"You can keep your life." Caspian spits, "But I'm giving the Narnians back their kingdom."

A centaur raised his sword and before you knew it all the Narnian soldiers were cheering, happy with their victory.

You smiled and waved at the warriors and they grinned back.

Suddenly, you notice Edmund turn his head around to the Telmarines. You originally think nothing of it but when Caspian and Peter look back too, you realise they must be looking at something worth seeing.

To your surprise, Miraz had an arrow in his side.

"That wasn't one of ours was it?" You ask the Narnian kings.

Edmund just shook his head.

"Oh then wh-" You were cut off by one of the Telmarine generals yelling.

"Treachery!" He shouted, "They shot him! They murdered our king!"

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