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Edmund quickened his pace, jogging through the woods to find his older siblings. Probably making sure they knew that they weren't alone in the wood.

He gave you a quick nod before he disappeared out of sight as if to say 'don't worry.' This left you and Lucy to cautiously make your way through the woods.

Even though Edmund had said not to worry, you drew your sword as you walked. You'd always been paranoid. It got to the point where every tree looked like a man and every twig snapping underfoot was someone sneaking up behind you.

The noises of the Telmarine's got louder, you could hear them working as they made what you assumed must be weapons. I mean, they're Telmarines, what else would they be making?

"Y/n," Lucy says, pointing at some logs, "There they are."

You smile at the sight of Peter, Susan and Edmund crouched down beneath some logs, peeking over every few seconds. The only reason you knew it was them was the fact you could see their vibrantly coloured clothes.

You made a mental note for next time that you were sneaking out in Narnia not to wear a red or purple dress like the others or you'd be spotted almost instantly.

You saunter over to join your friends, Lucy looked scared.

As you sit down beside Susan, you watch her whisper something to Peter.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all."

She had a point.

"Why don't we go back to the ridge?" Edmund suggests making Lucy smile.

You knew what that meant.

Before you knew it you were standing centimetres away from a painful death of falling fifteen meters into ferocious stream of rapids.

You gulp, you weren't afraid of heights but this one looked particularly unnerving.

"So.." Peter says, "Where exactly did you think you saw Aslan?"

Lucy rolled her eyes at her older brother.

"I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown ups." She said, glaring at Susan and Peter in particular, "I didn't think I saw him. I did see him."

Lucy walked away past the group to stand alone just as the dwarf muttered the words under his breath: "I am a grownup."

Lucy began speaking again but you didn't process it, you were looking at her feet, and how the ground looked incredibly weak.

"Wait Lucy! Th-"

Her ear splitting scream silenced you as you watched the ground tear itself apart beneath her feet.

"Lucy!" Her siblings yelled, running over to the ledge she'd fallen down from.

You all let out a huge sigh of relief when you found that she actually was fine, she weakly smiled up at you all as she sat on a pile of moss.

As well as not dying, she'd also discovered a way down that avoided falling.

You all traipsed down the rock face. You skidded a couple of times, sending pebble skirting of the edges and flying into the abyss below. You legs had long since turned to jelly so you were grateful to be on the ground again.

As you walked past the now gentle stream, you got a glimpse of your reflection in the water and you realised something you hadn't noticed before.

You looked happy, content and almost as if you'd found home for the first time.

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