White Witch

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You get up from the table, causing Peter and Edmund to look as you run towards the chamber.

"What?" Edmund asks before you disappear around the corner, "What is it? Why are you running?"

"It's Caspian." You barely stop to reply, "Somethings off. It's cold. I can feel it in the air."

Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin chase after you, not understanding you properly.

"Are you sure that's not because one of the fires blew out?" Peter asks jogging beside you.

You shook your head, rounding the last corner to reveal Aslan's chamber.

To your horror, you noticed that two of the stone pillars were now connected by a sheet of ice that Caspian stood in front of. Two horrifying looking creatures held him there as a woman hovered behind or maybe even within the ice.

"Stop!" Peter yells rushing to fight the bird-like beast. Edmund wrestled the wolf to the ground, it howled as he sliced it with his sword. Trumpkin fought the other dwarf who was in the chamber.

You ran towards Caspian, pushing him out of what looked like a sacrificial circle.

You look back for a split second, noticing Lucy had joined the fight. The others still hadn't defeated their animal but Trumpkin seemed to have stabbed his enemy.

"Eve's blood will do as well." You hear a mysterious voice from behind you.

You slowly turn around to face the monster imprisoned between the slates of ice. She was reaching her hand through them, clearly wanting your blood.

It was the white witch.

And you were smarter than to fool for her tricks.

"Stay out of that circle and you'll be fine." You instruct Caspian who was curled against the wall, shaking.

You confidently leave the circle, drawing your sword and finishing off the bird beast that Peter was fighting.

But Peter wasn't paying it much attention anymore, he was slowly walking towards the witch who seemed to be whispering to him.

"Peter." You push yet another boy away from the witches grasp just as you hear a cracking noise from behind you.

You spin around, hoping that wasn't the noise of the witch breaking free. Instead, you notice a sword stuck through her lower abdomen.

Then the cracking turned into a shattering noise and before you knew it shards of glass were flying everywhere.

The others stepped back for protection but you were so mesmerised by what was about to happen. You prayed it wouldn't be bad.

The fractals of glass rained upon you like dagger cutting your clothes and skin. Once piece in particular lodged in your chest, exactly where your heart was.

Your eyes widen, staring at the blood as it leaked from your cut, spreading across your clothes faster than you thought possible.

You stumble to the floor, realising that this might actually be the end for you. You shivered, pulling the ice out of your heart. It hurt so much you could barely hear your own thoughts.

You were so cold.

Peter was getting to his feet, staring at your wound in shock. You couldn't see anyone else, you assumed they must've gone to safety. You could only hear Edmund's voice.

You concentrated on it, hoping that you could keep your brain working long enough to say bye to your friends.

You open your mouth to speak but it was too much excursion. You flopped to the stone floor, hitting it with a thud.

"Lucy!!" Edmund's voice was the last thing you heard before it all went black.

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