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"Can you hear that?" Peter asks.

You didn't reply, you'd just noticed a familiar figure riding on horseback behind the trees.

"Sounds like someone's stalking us.." You couldn't tell if Edmund was joking or being sincere.

"It's.. its Caspian." You say, riding towards the person.

"Hey, Casp!" Edmund yells as he and Peter follow you.

You slow to a halt, noticing that it was not only Caspian in the forest with you but Susan as well.

She was sat behind him on the horse and it looked as if the two of them were going for a ride together.

"Susan?" Peter asks, shocked.

You honestly thought she would've gone to the Telmarine Castle.

"Good to see you again Caspian." You say, breaking the tension and attempting to soothe the awkwardness.

"Nice to see you all too." He says, "Now if you don't mind.." He looks to Susan and she giggles.

They begin to trot away but Peter yells.

"Wait a minute," He says, "What're you doing?"

"Going for a ride?" Susan says as if it were obvious, "What else would we be doing?"

Peter raised his eyebrows, acting like a parent.

"Be careful." He orders.

"Alright Mum," Susan rolls her eyes as the two of them ride off.

The three of you stay in silence for a while before you decide to head back to the How.

You were happy that Susan and Caspian had finally gone on a date and you couldn't wait to hear the details when Susan got back.

"I'm so bored." Edmund admits, sitting at the table holding an apple in his hands.

"Is it weird that I kind of want to go home?" You ask, putting your legs up onto the table.

"Miss your family?" Peter asks.

"No but it's going to be fun going back to England with magical powers." You grin, "I mean I prefer Narnia but now that Caspian is king, don't you feel a little useless?"

Peter was about to reply to that but Lucy walked back in with Susan. They were both laughing about something that probably didn't matter.

"Hey." You say, happy they'd returned, "I can't believe you two made me put up with these boys for the whole day."

Peter punched you lightly in the arm as you joked.

Lucy and Susan explained how they'd bumped into each other on the way back and had decided to walk back together.

"How's Caspian?" You ask, a smile teasing on your face.

"Good." Susan says awkwardly, fiddling with her fingers. She stayed silent for a couple of seconds before adding, "Actually, his coronation is tomorrow, he has invited us all to join him."

"Oh, that's nice of him." You say, stealing Edmund's apple and eating it.

"Hey!" He argued but you just grinned.

Peter just laughed at your childlike behaviour.

"I think I'm going to set up a fire outside." The high king says getting up, "We can sleep beneath the stars tonight."

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