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"you left, you made that choice!"


SWEAT DRIPPING, NECK BURNING LIKE DRY ICE TOUCHED IT. Vi shot up from her miss-matched pillows with her breath reeking in panic. Vi's subconscious caused a dream only her pulse can express the burn, her body shakes up like a terrified cat, the hair from every segment of her body spiked out. It only took her half a blink to realise she was on her bed, in her room that she shared with four other kids. But she seeks, seems to be unsatisfied. Maybe because her old life is no longer hers.

She shuffled off her bed, feeling the stiff muscle rot her awake and began to grab the cuffed-up boots from under the bed. Air seemed to be the only thing that can heal. Tying her laces by basically tucking them inside the shoes. 

Walked up the long and narrow stairs, thinking that the back exit door of the The Last Drop was the easiest way to get the hint of humid air she considered fresh. The pinky threw her body against the door to open, her face scrunching from the process.

Even if the air was denser in the Lanes, it felt way fresher than the basement. Her nostrils greedily collected all the oxygen from the air until her lungs filled up, letting her mouth exhale everything. She felt less stuffed with negative emotions.

Then she overheard a soft yawn from in front of her, catching the one and only Y/n to be sitting on a big crate, surrounded by other crates and metal cages.

Y/n was picking on a scab that's as located on her knee from a past injury when she tripped during a heist for new bras. She realised someone was there, but too intoxicated to bother checking.

Vi, with her clunky boots strolled to her friend, keeping an eye on her until she sat on a slightly taller crate. She noticed that Y/n wasn't with them the whole day and looking back, she wasn't there when everyone decided to get some shut eye. Throughout this whole month Y/n barely had an appearance to assigned missions or hangouts, she never told them excuses - Y/n would just leave.

Vi really wanted to know what's going on, she was her family, of course she would be worried. Examining the girl that still did not physically acknowledge Vi, she caught a wine bottle in Y/n's left hand, letting it dangle off the seat. She didn't have that sly look on her face, she looked different - sort of bland.

"We look like the future, with all the missions, rebellion and power... We... We're really something," Y/n's voice was raspy as she continued her random comment with a weak laugh.

Vi listened closely, only humming as a response of agreement, she looks down, away from Y/n's drained face. She didn't look like herself, all Vi could do was listen. It's not like she needed to talk about the nightmare she just had, it was just a nightmare.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now