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"you lied to them"

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@rahriot on Tumblr


Y/n's age: seventeen years old

THE MISSION WAS A VICTORIOUS STORY BUT IT SHOULD NEVER BE ROMANTICISED. Violet found a new assignment to accomplish and needed teammates, luckily enough, her adopted siblings accepted the offer. There was only one fault that Violet made - bringing Powder.

The objective was to steal a certain item, it may sound very simple but it was a priceless object that was brought down through many generations.

History was involved with it, but that "history" was stolen by a local band just a few years ago. The cherished object contained unlimited data and secrets about Piltover.

What would they gain from a dangerous mission? Well, the reward would be one of two things, either enough money for renovations and supplies for both the Under and Uppercity - or an upgraded home (referring to moving into Piltover with rent paid by the owner of the object).

It was a tough decision, no naive being would believe such a rich story so... why did Vi believe a random man?

He had proof, he had written copies with copyrighted stamps, pictures of his family and most importantly, 5% of the cash shown to Vi to prove a point.

Running away from her suspicious tendencies, she agreed. All she had to do was steal the item and give it back to him.

Or is that what she had to say ...

After the mission, Powder was severely injured. Cuts ran all over her face and body from the amount of glass exploding.

But the most painful injury was her thigh, the flesh split, exposing a large shard five inches deep into the middle of the rectus femoris. Furthermore, the number of punches gave her a concussion.

After Vi gripped Powder in her arms, she and the group were dashed into the Last Drop, ignoring concerns from the people including Vander.

As Vi finally reached the bedroom, she panicked with tears about to fall out of her eyes.

"Place her down on the bed. Mylo, get your pillow - the cylinder one," Y/n demanded, holding Vi by the shoulders and lightly rushing her to the bottom bunk of the blood-related sisters' bed.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now