28: turn around and catch

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"mother, stop now"

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@rahriot on Tumblr

TW: mentions abuse and sex trafficking


"EVERYONE NEEDS IT, THE BEAUTY AND GRACE ARE WHAT MAKES IT ADMIRABLE," Y/n smiles proudly, holding the potion bottle which concealed the loving substance from spilling out.

Every bottle had a pink cork on top with red droplets on the glass as a design. The bottle had fifty millilitres of Amerald in it and it was aesthetically pleasing to look at.

As Y/n eyes glee bright at the sight, her mouth opening to smile erratically, Sevika boringly leans her cheek onto her robotic arm, clearly not impressed.

The terrifying smile hadn't bothered Sevika one bit. It wasn't like she wasn't paying attention to the h/c head lady, she was simply comfortable with Y/n crazed moment.

What Sevika didn't know was, Y/n hasn't looked this terrifying and hideous in months. She was calm, dull, maybe finally mature- but, once Sevika came back - these couple of hours had caused the lady to turn back to her original but sober self.

She still had a tint of her new self in her, she no longer seemed dependent on Ruthel, she didn't seem weak. She just looked free and arrogant- The best type of arrogance.

"You should have made Jinx present that to me, why isn't she here anyway?" Sevika scoffed as she added a Shimmer free cigarette between her lips.

Y/n smiles at Sevika, ignoring her insult and showing proudness that she wasn't going against the rules.

No shimmer.

No one will use Shimmer ever again, weak or not.

That rule was quickly made by Singed when Y/n and Jinx broke into his office to force him to create a new substance.

"Um- You told me she told you that she's going to her secret hideout," Y/n rolled her eyes as she walks towards the table where Sevika was sitting.

She signals the woman to pause her lighter from burning the tip and rapidly yanked the cigarette out Sevika's lips.

Sevika grumbles, looking at her adopted daughter who was continuously admiring the bottle in her hand, "What? Is there a no-smoking rule in here?"

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