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"this is how we met."

13-14 years old

ARMS BRUISED, BROKEN MENTALLY, THIS HURTS. Y/n's body was dragged along the main street of The Lanes. She wore a leather face harness that was trapping her mouth from screaming. Tears dropped out of her eyes as it dampens the leather underneath her cheeks. Her arm was destroyed by a tight grip of the lead that connected to the face harness; it was about 2 metres long with the other end exposing a man with a black mask covering his face.

Y/n whimpers in pain, biting her lip to hold in her cries. Dogs surround her as she quickly limps into The Cat House.

Vander was sitting in a party room inside The Cat House. He had a drink in his hand with comrades around him. He was shown to be smirking at a lady who was dancing exotically in front of them. She magically balances herself on the pole which was in the middle of the room.

Sevika was with Vander, right beside him with her voice box chuckling from the alcohol that was getting into her brain. Her pupils were full of lust as she looked at the half-naked dancer in front of her.

She excuses herself to go take a breather from all the cigars' smoke filling the room. She tumbled, pushing through the door out of beads and stood behind it. Taking a good sniff of the air that smelt like sex, drugs, smoke and undercity air.

That's where she met Y/n. Her body crawled into a corner, clearly sobbing from the movements of her back going up and down. She could've left the brothel, but her legs just about gave up with her. Y/n looks around with watery eyes, just to catch Sevika scoffing, giving her a disgusted expression. Y/n tightens her grip around her legs, fearful of the bulky lady standing to the side of her.

The dogs weren't with her, instead, they were guarding the entrance of the brothel. Making sure Y/n couldn't leave

Sevika went back, pushing the beads of the door away from her face as her eyes connected to Vander, who was still staring at the lady as she thrust her hips onto the pole.

"Vander," Sevika spoke, only for Vander to look back into his friend. Sevika just gave him a nod along with a side-eye to the ground which was where Y/n sat, who was out of Vander's view.

Vander immediately understood her expressions.

This happened many times before, some sick person would come into the brothel with underage girls to force them to have sex against their own will. Selling their body for his selfish reasons.

Vander stood up and clicked his fingers together, signalling the others who were sitting around him. He threw a couple of coins on the coffee table before heading out.

Sevika turned back to the girl that was covered in an aura of vulnerability. She reached down, grabbing the chin of the girl's face, only for the girl to flinch, she was scared, terrified even.

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