11.5: isolation with that

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"I was looking for you."


BACK AGAIN, VIOLET'S BODY WAS FUELLED WITH ANGER, it's been awful ever since she handled that investigation with Caitlyn. At this moment, Violet was back to punching the walls of her cell, letting the anger out through something she loved doing.

She didn't know how long her stay has been going, but her mind was always racing to one thing. Did Caitlyn's mother survive? Matter of fact, Vi only worried because it was Caitlyn's mother. She doesn't know anything behind these walls, she wanted to find her sister again, she wanted to see Caitlyn again.

But Y/n, she was another story. Vi had been searching for Y/n any time she could get her hands on. She still believed that Y/n was in this hellhole, she just hadn't seen her yet.

From the recognition of the inmates, they mocked the woman that came back. Vi used to lead her part of her block, she was a very well-known among the prisoners that were still trapped here. However, since she came back, it hasn't been like that at all. It didn't take long for them to remember how violent the young lady was.

Y/n wasn't getting better by the second she stepped into this place, Vi was worried if she was even sane enough to recognize the pink-haired. She remembered how bad the side effects were from the withdrawal, she saw how psychotic she got when she dragged her own blood with her finger.

Vi had another thing to regret, she never stopped her. Y/n wasn't doing well.

And she was correct, Y/n had been in here for one month now. She was told there was a new newbie, but it didn't stop people from avoiding her. With her side of the block, she lived with among the people that did minor things, no one had illnesses, hell no one was as fucked up as Y/n.

She waited for Sevika to save her, having no hope her "friends" would even try to help her. Sevika was the only one that could save her, but until then: she was reckless.

One night, Y/n slipped out her cell, one part of the bars were loose which caused her to escape. Everything was dark, no noises can be heard, just her neighbour's snores.

The snores drove her insane, causing her to rip another loose bar from her neighbour's cell. The ruckus caused the snoring inmate to be awake. Y/n beat the guy to death, stomping on his or her's face, she didn't care about who it was. She just wanted the noise to stop, and it stopped eventually - when she ripped the inmate's head off. She didn't realize how strong she was. Normally she would panic, but the feeling of the unattached head gave her comfort.

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