23: re-enactment

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"double kill."

(slight smut warning)

IT FELT WONDERFUL, MARVELLOUS EVEN. She was so skilled, so valuable with every part of her body. She had top-notch instincts, knowing how to read her prey in order to give good results. Y/n was a killer and manipulative woman, her hidden independence clothed with vulnerability caused citizens all over the land to think she was just a weakling, an idiot, naive. Her body moved swiftly, involving her mouth to destroy people's confidence. People would describe her as the brainiac.

Caitlyn's legs parted, heels about to slip off her rest bed as she hold onto the fat of her chest with a clenched grin, "Yes yes yes~"

Y/n lays on her front, her arms wrapped under Caitlyn's bare thighs as her hospital gown didn't allow her to wear any underwear. Her tongue swirls hard, flicking the bud of her clit vertically as she listens to Caitlyn's hissing let outs.

"Now, don't be too loud, Cake~" Y/n teased as she stopped for a bit to swallow the saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth.

None of them knew why they were doing this and Caitlyn wasn't inexperienced like Vi, she knew what she wanted and would normally tell her partners what to do.

However, Y/n didn't need directions, she was too good at reading and understanding that she didn't need Caitlyn's input. It made her shut up from her conversation starter and gave her time to feel pleasure, she needed this - both of them do. It's been a great amount of days full of stress and this was for relief.

The pink muscle flicks again, teasing a bit as she licks a bit above the clit. Hearing Caitlyn quiet whines - it made Y/n feel sympathy and give her what she wanted. So she satisfied her, letting her ride out her high. Her moans hitching through the echoey room while her hips shiver against the playful mouth as she drops her legs down from defeat.

"Shaven and clean for the ladies I see," Y/n giggled while she rubbed her lips with the back of her hand.

"I just like to be hairless," Caitlyn puffs out as her chest pounces from the rapid heart beats.

"So you would shave your hair off?" Y/n giggled with a warm smile lighting up the relaxed mood.

Knock Knock

Caitlyn started patterning herself up, fixing her gown and straightening her hair. At the end she rapidly placed the duvet on top of her as Y/n just shuffled off the bed. Caitlyn finally alerted another sequence of a knocking.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now