33.5: call me love sometime

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"remind me"

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SHE REMEMBERS THOSE YOUNG NIGHTS when the pair of them would have their last moments enjoying life, loving life, loving each other. That was pure happiness, no flaws unless being poor was one of them.

One certain night was always so weird for the pair, that night was when Violet caught Mylo and Y/n sneaking into the bar. After the pair carried Mylo back to his bed, their minds were wide awake. So, instead of trying to sleep - they stayed up.

Sitting at a booth away closest to the main entrance, they sat opposite each other with only a table separating them. Their feet would hit each other now and then which caused a euphoric feeling to suffocate their drunken minds.

It could be the alcohol tipping their heads into its loose ends but Y/n knew something was off about the situation, not particularly bad but as they spoke, the aura felt so heavy. Pupils dilating with hunger, the heat was travelling around the skin they would accidentally brush against. It was an unknown feeling.

But the feeling felt so confusing but so comfortable. It felt like eating a dish that was later to be your favourite. It was lovely, not too good or too bad, however, but suddenly you're drawn to it, itching for more.

"You're so cold," Vi breathed out, the only reason Y/n heard her was because of how quiet the room was. You could hear every creak, if someone moved just a bit, it was loud enough to hear from the opposite side of the room.

Y/n hummed to agree, her lips were weak. She was too busy trying to know if Vi's lightly burnt face was because of the alcohol or something else.

Vi has always been so warm, body temperature-wise. However, the alcohol heated her a bit.

"Fuck..." Vi leaned back on her seat, her random groan caused Y/n to knit her eyebrows in confusion. Why was she groaning? Did Y/n make it awkward?

She didn't want Vi to leave, she wanted to fall asleep but at the same she wanted more emotions to help connect the dots. She wanted to cherish every moment.

"Gross," Y/n forced herself to make a joke with it, hoping it would lighten up the now quiet atmosphere. The heavy feeling just felt cold now, it started to feel a little normal and Y/n hated it.


"You just moaned!" Y/n spoke but a smile grew onto her numb lips

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now