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"NO, I'm not joining this!"


EKKO'S VOICE WENT BARELY ABOVE A WHISPER, he leans down to the girl's ear from behind as Y/n's eyes stayed onto Vi's figure - which was moving around while talking to the bluenette(Caitlyn), "Y/n, I need you to do something for me."

Y/n moves her face a bit, only inches away from Ekko's face. His scent was covered in the smell of burnt logs and fresh grass, "Whatever you want, dear."

Ekko smiles with his eyes now closed while he steps back, he adds his hands into his pockets before sighing, "You need to.. distance yourself from Vi."

Y/n turned around now confused, he was the one telling her to talk to Violet, what changed that? She wanted to ask, so she did.


"You're only going to give her hope."

"No. No, I know what you mean. It's just that you were the one saying that we should get closer."

Ekko's eyes open, his eyebrows knitting together as he bites his lip in embarrassment, "You're right. I'm sorry. But try not to make it look as if you're-"

"Ekko," Y/n started, not wanting to hear the rest.

"Right, right. My bad."

Y/n begins to walk away, letting her legs find a way down to where Vi was. Her eyes stuck onto the pinky as she travelled down stairs and ladders. She was about to reach the pair before Vi started to rise up from the tree, now looking up as if she's searching for something. Her eyes seem so focused as her orbs flicker around.

"Yo Vi!" Ekko greeted Y/n. The two of them are now travelling down the last set of stairs.

Vi alerted her body, smiling at the boy before her eyes caught Y/n's new appearance.

Caitlyn steps forwards and seems to be looking at the same thing, "You look pretty, Y/n."

Though, what Y/n was wearing were rags. However, Caitlyn never knew how pretty dresses could be, even if they were coloured in with dull colours.

Caitlyn slightly bows her head at the lady as the corners of Y/n's mouth quirks up, almost sending a loving smile.

"And you look well," Y/n winked at her, folding her arms in place when she reached the two girls.

Vi stayed quiet, staring at every part of Y/n. Her scarf was no longer hiding her long, shiny hair and her dress now covered her figure.

Vi nods once to agree on Caitlyn's comment before Ekko "accidentally" bumps into Y/n's shoulder. He signalled that this was the moment to finally reconnect.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now