11: we'll leave, powder

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"Got a little player."


TRAPPED BODY, ROPES PIERCING FROM HER BICEPS. A sudden awakening rose from Vi's eyes as she begins to wake up. From what she could recall, she was fighting Sevika, having the last memory of her long lost sister to wack her on the head with an object, causing her to black out.

But finally, she's awake. Her eyes caught the scenery of a musty and gloomy background, gases filling the air and in front of her was a music box with lights flickering out of it, it was the only source of light as she tries to remove the ropes against her wrists.

"Really thought I buried this place," a raspy voice Vi knew too well spoke among the shadows.

"But, I should've known better!"

Vi scrunches up her nose, calling out with fear and need surrounding her tongue, "Powder?"

"Nothing ever, stays, dead."

Vi gasps slightly and begins to look around with her head, however the light only reached a certain limit to which she could see, "Are we alone?"

"For now," a bird squeaks, causing the pinky to look to the direction of the noise.

"Maybe forever..."

"Wanna know a secret? ..Silco thinks he made Jinx, with all his rants and hard-won lessons. Excise your doubts Jinx, be what they fear, Jinx. Like everything was the same, that's when Vander left him- But he didn't make Jinx..."

Vi's eyes begins to burn from the dust collecting up, Powder's words were so full of memories that Vi couldn't stop thinking about, "You did."


Meanwhile, Y/n was crying at the prison, her body crawling up into a corner as she sobs. Her breaths were tight and small, she was having a breakdown. She realised how bad she's gotten, no thanks to Sevika either- Silco and Sevika never treated their "daughters'" illnesses. They let Jinx and Y/n become monsters. Letting the trauma control them with every event.

Y/n's eyes were burning, the tears dampening the scar of her injured eye, she felt deadly, like nothing in the world could hurt her. Yet, she felt heavy too, like she could fall even deeper from rock bottom.

As she cries and bites her lip from letting out a scream, she recalled too many memories at once. Rushing past them until it ended with Vander's dead body. His body just laying there, she could hear Vi's screams of crying from where she was. He laid there, Y/n couldn't even cry when she saw her guardian, she was too shocked. That was when something snapped, her pity emotions left her, like how her parents left her. Everyone leaves, but this time for Y/n to leave.

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