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"It feels nice, actually. Again?"

15 years old

TENSION THICK AS ICE, IT WAS AN AWKWARD FEELING. Y/n sat with her legs spread out as she pulled on her pants to see a dark blood liquid staining her baby blue underwear. She was located in the bathroom, her ass flat on the toilet seat. - Y/n didn't know what this was. Was she dying? She didn't know, but she remained calm (for the time being). She was so confused as to why her underwear was stained, from one end to the other. Her nose leans down to take a sniff of the liquid, and it comes back as a burnt metallic texture and a scrunched up nose.

She hit her back onto the toilet lid and groaned in annoyance, unable to figure out what was happening to her. Y/n knew something bad was going to happen at some point.

Just a few weeks ago, Y/n's breasts were feeling a bit heavy. Every few days, her chest started to have an uncomfortable tender feeling. She would massage the side of them, which caused the group to look at her with concern or awkwardness. Without her awareness, this began a continuous cycle with people at the bar.

Eventually, there was fat in her boobs. She thought she had gained weight, but she never really cared. Until it became a problem for missions, from the jumping and running, her small breasts would bounce, and every time they bounced down, it was like her chest was about to rip off her body. She would then hold her chest with her hand, spreading her fingertips across her upper body.

Vi, Mylo, and Claggor noticed it as well. They would catch the girl unable to feel comfortable when laying flat on her stomach. Also, Y/n would catch them looking at her chest from time to time. Y/n would eventually snap, telling them the act of disrespecting can cause death among them. She knew she was now becoming a woman, but she wasn't ready.

Still sitting on the toilet, she began wiping her vagina with paper napkins that were from the bar. With every wipe, the liquid gradually lessened. She kicked off her pants and threw the wet underwear into the bin and dashed to get some clean napkins to cover the clothing of disgrace.

Raising her head, she unlocks the bathroom door, half naked as she peeks through before trying to get a new pair of underwear.

As the e/c eyes peeked through, she caught Vi sitting on one of the bottom beds of the three bunk beds. She immediately got out of sight, mentally preparing herself before peeking away. The door creaks, causing the girl with pink hair to look up, now locking eyes with Y/n.

Y/n bites her lip, embarrassed, before parting her lips to shyly ask, "Can you get me a new pair of underwear- actually just get Vander."

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