10: not discussing

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"You're a mess, fix yourself"


LEGS BARE, ITCHING COLDNESS, ANNOYED. It's been around 5 days since her arrest, she only knew the amount of days from the wake up call for breakfast. The prison would let them out two times a day, one for obvious reasons and the next was for dinner. Lunch was not very common in Stillwater, since it's too close to breakfast, the amount of supplies became limited when the sun hit straight.

Some days she wouldn't get lunch and other times she would. Her legs were still bare, she didn't ask for clothes or anything. People just continue to watch Y/n in her underwear, laughing or looking with disgust. To others, it would be embarrassing, but Y/n didn't worry. It wasn't like her ass was exposed, luckily the black boxers were a good length to cover her buttocks.

After breakfast, Y/n went back to her cell. Her cuts were healing well and no one really bothered her that much after the incident with those three girls. To be honest, she would catch them in the cafeteria, laughing and/or glaring at her. They held a grudge on the newbie and Y/n didn't understand why, just because she wore a piece of clothing from the lost and found?

Y/n wasn't doing well, it's been 5 days away from Ruthel. The drug she would take every day for the past 5 years. It wasn't helpful for her peers either, she would have headaches and glare at a non-existence figure. It would cause problems because people would assume she was trying to have a go at them. It would just be roaring arguments but no physical activity was involved.

She did meet someone though. His name was Reiner, he was tall and had blond hair. He had a strong appearance with skinny eyebrows and thin lips. He was around 17 years old. He reminded Y/n of Vi, how she got arrested at such a young age just like Reiner.

He knew why she was here- Actually, everyone here knew, the word ran out people's mouths faster than a waterfall, however, Reiner never told her his reason of being in Stillwater. Y/n didn't mind since she wasn't here to make friends.

She was in Cafeteria when Reiner sat next to her as a bet from his two other inmate friends. Everyone thought Y/n would snap and maybe shred anyone who got near her. She was treated like an animal, of course no one was scared of her but they had to be cautious.

Reiner tried to rile Y/n up but it did not work, surprising for Y/n since normally she would get all angry. When they met, the lack of Ruthel never hit her. Reiner noticed that she wasn't some maniac and began to befriend her. Inviting her to his group which she would always deny the ofer. As time continues, he would talk so much, but she didn't get annoyed by it, to be honest, it benefit her, she learnt more about the prison.

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