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"your tits grew!"


BREATHS HAD NO AIR, LEGS LOSING STABILITY. The trio finally managed to leave the ravine behind them but only to have Silco's goons charging after to them. The trio ran through streets, alleyways, jumped on roofs and balconies. Their legs were on the verge of giving up, struggling to carry them through this stressful time.

Y/n was reaching for air to fill her lungs, her throat was becoming dry. Running was never really her thing. Her arms swinging looked like a wailing wheel with every step as she looks down to find her legs. They felt numb, only hoping that watching her legs pounce off kept her sane.

She squeezes her eyes as sweat soaked the nape of her neck, she just ran straight, trying to balance. Who knows where they were going, they just needed to GO.

Before Y/n could run any further, she collided with something or someone, opening her eyes she saw an angered man in front of her. The collision caused the man to step back a bit, only before he started going up into Y/n's face, yelling profanities. Y/n just stood there, breathing like her life depended on it.

Until the pinkette came into the scene, pushing back the man - defending her. As the man was barged off the lady, Caitlyn stops, trying to pull Violet away from the scene.

Violet sent a digit to the man, her face displeased and cursed, "Fuck you."

Oh, oh my...

Y/n's pupils dilated by the sight of Violet's aggression. Her heart pounded right out of her chest as her sight begins to clear up. Right away, Vi was the one in focus, everything blurry around her. Y/n didn't know why this was happening, it wasn't the drugs that created this view. It was Vi, Vi and her alone.

She got so distracted she could see visions. Finding Vi and herself on their bunk bed, everyone sleeping in the old bedroom they all shared, leaving the pair to silently make out in the dark room. She could see her and Vi now, Y/n's hands pinning both Vi's wrists, squeezing a pressure point to weaken Vi who was up against a cold wall. Flustered and everything.

But this never happened, it was just scenarios bouncing around in her head. Y/n has never felt this cold before, even if they were running, heart beating aggressively, her body still found a way to lower its temperature when she saw Violet basically defending her.

But only good people had good moments, she watched as Vi's face starting to soften, eyeing up into the sky, finding blue smoke flying up vertically.

Flashbacks hit Vi's head before she began running, having Caitlyn and Y/n hesitating before dashing to her.

Now, Y/n was far away from Caitlyn. Y/n didn't know how fast she was running until she reached stairs. She didn't know that Caitlyn wasn't with her and frankly she didn't care. She just walked up the stairs with her hand holding the railing as support.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now