25: all eyes are on you

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"i've changed and i think i like my new self"

icl, I'm so fucking excited to write this section. it's probably my favourite.
anyways, vote and comment (i miss y'all)



CRY LIKE A TALL CHILD, don't be so strong. If things don't work out for the best, rewrite the future. There's only a matter of time until everything crumbles down.

Jinx and Y/n, a pair that no one should cross. Let it sound cheesy and stupid but it's worth the speech. The machine and mastermind were the best duos for this city and they were unstoppable.


Y/n sits on the hard and damp wooden floors of her new stolen home, Powder remains next to her with her body under Y/n's sore arms.

Three weeks after the accident, three weeks of crying and dreading. With no one left to love them back, they were stuck in a loop of negative emotions.

It was about time until Y/n had to leave, unable to stay another year with Silco, she dropped and disappeared from Powder's comfort.

Once a promise stays a promise. When she scrunches her nose, listen without hesitation. Y/n had a plan, a signal for dangers to overcome.

"Hey dear, I need you to trust me with something," weak noises fell out Y/n's lips as she bends to the new named sister's level.

Jinx only spoke with a soft nod, unable to speak from the lack of stability. A year had run-pass and now was the beginning of a start for Y/n. The pair had been grieving for a year, three hundred and sixty-five days wasted from their weak emotions.

"If you catch me with a scrunched up nose- I mean, if you see me calm but my nose is scrunched up, it means I have a plan. A plan to help us survive, never forget that, okay? I need you to remember, can you remember that for me?"


Suddenly, the flexible arm caused the gunshot to fire in a new direction. Her lips were pressed against each other as Violet's eyes twitched shut from the sound.

"Jinx, now!" Y/n alerted as she plops the gun into the band of her trousers before she steps back in a strong stance.

"EKKO!" a roar from Scar echoed around the hard walls of the hideout.

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