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"Left alone all pretty"


NO TRAIL, NO VIOLET, THE DARK BOX CONTAINED MY SOUL. The maniac got arrested, the lady recalled every moment of that journey to Stillwater. Her wrists were bruised and swollen, the grip of the enforcers had no mercy.

Y/n didn't need to go to court since the whole council were the witnesses of the event. As she got dragged into the prison she had to get undressed. There was no choice in picking if you wanted a female or male to search you. Though, she had many clients in her previous life, using her for their own satisfaction, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable that a man was searching every part of her body without her consent.

Y/n sobs, her mind was completely out of it and even at the council house. But she felt more sane, from the pain of getting dragged, kicked around by the enforcers, it woke her up from her episode.

After she was searched she had to wear used clothes from the lost and found. The only privilege the prison held for her, she had a choice in what she could to wear.

She took a while, there were no shirts, only pants and socks with holes. She looked around in the dimly lit room, feeling the clothes if they were comfortable. She finally made a decision, she decided to wear a dark purple pants, they were track pants with no strings in the holes. Understanding it was because of safety precautions, she just slipped them on, however they were tight... So tight that her thighs were suffocating in them, everything else here had big holes everywhere. She had to deal with it.

She exited the room and the manager of Stillwater stood there with two enforcers on both sides of his bulky shoulders.

His lips began to smirk as he looks down at the girl. Her body was lonely, only black underpants that looked like boxers and the uncomfortable purple tracksuit covered her. Her hair was placed in front of her breasts with her nipples peeking up from the cold atmosphere in the prison.

"Inmate 565, here's some clean socks and an inmate garment with your number plate on it."

Y/n was laying inside her cell, a rough blanket covering her body as her eyes look up to the ceiling. After getting changed she needed to go to the infirmary to get her face stitched up again. They weren't gentle, they were so aggressive with the stitches compared to Caitlyn's dad. She remembered she would scream from the pain and guards had to pin her down so the "doctor" could continue.

Her face was stinging as she walked up to her cell, her eyes closed shut with a cotton eye patch sticking onto her face. She would hear inmates banging onto the bars, screaming and commenting on her. She thought it was so annoying and ugly.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now