16: went where

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MAYBE LOVE, MAYBE NOT, ONLY THE FUTURE COULD TELL, Vi rested on the most comfortable bed ever, the mattress cupped her body in comfort as her eyes closes from the safe environment. All the heavy ran off her shoulders as she felt felt the bed denting just a bit.

"We can do this, we got more power now," an different accent stated.

Vi's cold arm had a new warmth placed on it, the soft hand of her friend rubbing her forearm lightly before gripping it as if it's a promise.

Vi opens her eyes and moves her head to see the pretty dark blue haired lady sitting elegantly above her, she was sitting on her heels as she smiles down at the pinky.

Caitlyn parted her hand away, embarrassed at Vi who was slowly sending a smirk. Vi replied with a caring tone, "Thank you, Cupcake."

With that, Vi randomly moved her hand to move the strands that covered Caitlyn's face, turning her finger so the hair tucked behind her ear.

Caitlyn starts to turn red, enjoying the cold feeling. She didn't want the cold to leave.

She didn't notice that Violet started raising up to Caitlyn's level, slowly twisting her hand to hold Caitlyn chiselled jaw.

Caitlyn didn't know what reasons why stuck in Vi's head to make her become to affectionate.

Caitlyn started to bend down a bit, making the tucked hair fall down again.

Vi giggles a bit as she leans in more before fixing her hair once more.

Caitlyn couldn't help it anymore, Vi's scent was filling Caitlyn's nostrils, causing her stomach to turn. A funny movement hit her core as she placed her lips onto Vi's.

It was the next morning, Y/n and Jinx were enjoying each other's companies while telling stories when they were separated. Loud chuckles and movement of their food getting munched on was the only thing that made the world feel a little bit safer.

After awhile, Jinx was interrupted by the front door opening. From how slow the door departed from it's locked position, Y/n slowly grabs the kitchen knife that was in the middle of the table.

It's always been there, Sevika put it there just in case. Y/n thought it was a stupid idea since an intruder could easily use it as a weapon.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now