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"You're not here, it's in my head!"


BUTTERFLIES, THEY LOOKED LIKE BUTTERFLIES. They flew around the air with the green hue highlighting every part of the faces of both enforcers and the trio.

These creations were deadly, so deadly it exploded until blood scattered around the bridge. Bodies collapsed as blood from the shards sliced them through their lives.

Caitlyn crawled up to the running figure. Her injured leg disabled her speed to crawl quicker. Vi bends down and holds the bluenette by the chin, hoping she's alive more than injured. Y/n's face had stinging sensations trickling down her lip, as she was about to touch her face until she felt her lip covered in a cold and wet liquid.

Then she moved her hand to her right eye, her eye was split open, top to bottom. A shard was stuck near her eye bags which she bumped into when searching her face. She didn't think straight and just yanked the small piece out, only for her to cry in pain. When she followed the cut, it went through her eyebrow to the tip of her nose, it was diagonal and straight.

Vi looked around, snapping her neck as she searched through the dense fog. When she caught Y/n's body laying against the bridge's debris, her hands were shaking as she touched her face. Vi lets go of Caitlyn and runs up to Y/n, almost tripping as she skids down to Y/n's level.

Y/n's expression was blank, unable to show emotions from what just happened. Throughout all her years of being an assassin she never thought she would let her guard down for something so pretty yet deadly. Vi hiccups from the sight of Y/n's face, seeing cuts all over her. However she still looked stable enough to stand up. Violet begins to scan through her body before realising her face only suffered consequences.

She pulled out the used napkin Caitlyn gave to her and planted it onto Y/n's right side of her face before pulling her up.

Vi holds Caitlyn, helping her walk as she limps away. Y/n's lack of vision caused dizziness as she didn't know how to balance. Even though Caitlyn was not in the right state to help as much, she still tried. She managed to let her hand leave her injured leg and reached her out for Y/n to hold.

Without wasting a second, Y/n grips onto Caitlyn's hand. Fingers locking together as Caitlyn holds her as a guide for this journey. Y/n looks down at the ground to check for debris to avoid tripping on.

Wrong choice, she was then thrown onto the ground as repeated shootings went past her. She was separated from Vi, only having Caitlyn and her injured leg on her side.

Soon enough, her working eye caught Ekko flying into the scene with a hoverboard beneath his feet. Y/n moved her head to see Jinx. Jinx is now beginning to shoot at Ekko.

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