26: unstable understanding

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"you're so bipolar..."

hello hello vote and comment if u think I'm hot (I'm hot)


AMERALD WAS ONE HELL OF A DRUG, a fluid that was specifically made to save lives, old and young. What the people needed was an alternative for Shimmer, finally, the world had given them it. A new wave, a new stage, a new start...

However, some loyal customers continued to work for Shimmer. Going against the new rules and without Sevika - the word about Y/n becoming the new leader wasn't spreading as fast.

Only a couple of citizens knew about the new founder and leader, this includes Sevika's men, other lords, etc. Unfortunately, Sevika wasn't there to protect and help Y/n lead, all of the responsibility is now in Y/n's hands, every life. Surprisingly, part of Y/n felt some sort of relief that her adopted mother passed away.

With Sevika alive, civilians would had continue the drug abuse of Shimmer. Y/n wasn't naive about Sevika's doings and she was never one to support her decisions, yet, Sevika was a well-respected mother for a bitch like her.

Now, Y/n needed to end this, she had to stop the Shimmer dimes.

Jinx and Y/n peeked through the tunnel, a corner helped them as cover. Both of their pink orbs glared into the employers' figures. They were doing all sorts of work, collecting data, moving boxes and most importantly, taking Shimmer.

"Can't believe we used to do that," Jinx giggles slightly, the volume caused a little echo through the tunnels.

"We had no choice."

"Hmm... So, what's the plan?"

"Just follow my lead."

Jinx jolts as she saw Y/n's shadow becoming visible from the light at the end of the tunnel -where the workers were at. Y/n pushed Jinx and added a finger onto her lips to silence her, creating another move by taking her weapon off and skidding it towards Jinx's feet.

Every Shimmer Dime has a boss to organise the exchanges, that's one thing Jinx loves to repeat during these missions, each time - Jinx begged Y/n to let her kill the bosses but Y/n always declined. Y/n begins running towards the light, nearing the entrance of the Dime.

"Sir?! Sir, come quick! There's something back here!" Y/n panics as she waved her arms around.

A man that had a clipboard and a pen stopped his pen from clicking and shot his head towards the girl. He took a brief look at everyone and caught them with worried faces behind their masks.

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