30: me, her and her best friend

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"missing someone involves sorrow"

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UNDERESTIMATING VIOLET'S STRENGTH WAS NOTHING BUT A MISTAKE. Y/n's wrist was pulled by those stony hands as she gets dragged.

"I'm really busy, Vi. Bring me back, Jinx and I are going to-" so many excuses yet Vi ignored them and repeated the same thing.

"Less talking, more walking."

Y/n kissed her teeth, her childish complaints retreated once again, "What do you mean more walking- Woah..."

Just when Y/n paused to look up from the clean streets of Piltover - a beautiful apartment complex stood above her. It was way taller than her apartment, it was so modern but unique.

Her mouth was left open, her sight went blurry. Yh didn't even realise how far she was into the city but she had never seen this building before, it was so different yet fitted for the City of Progress. It had bright colours with pretty patterns as designs. Honestly, Y/n was jealous. This is what she wanted for Zaun.

"Welcome to my humble abode, right this way, Peach," Vi giggled as she snapped Y/n's reactions with a quick pull into the entrance.

The doors were humongous but Y/n went confused as she searched around to check who opened them. She couldn't have missed anyone, someone should be there holding the door for them.

"Motion sensors, Undercity wasn't the only thing that changed," Vi smirks, alerting Y/n who only made a face at the unique word.

"What's that?" Y/n questions as they entered a well designed and stable elevator. Vi took her grip off Y/n's wrist and went to press a button.

Y/n felt like a child, like she was learning a new language. Of course, she guessed how these "motion sensors" worked but she wasn't sure.

Vi added her hands into her pockets with were dark grey, hiding the fact that she had blood all over them. Y/n could smell it (no matter how many times she had killed, she never got used to it), but, she wasn't so sure if anyone else smelt it.

Y/n played with her dress around her fringes as Vi winked, facing opposite her, "Motion sensors? They uh... they sense your movement then something happens- look, just ask Caitlyn. She knows more, I'm still new to these things."

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now