24: and i cry

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"the end of our love."

please vote and comment, ly mwah

AFTER A GREAT AWAKENING OF VI'S SNORES, Y/n sat up feeling light and calm. It was a feeling of relaxation and a happy ending awaiting which caused her to smile at the morning rise. As she turns to face someone she dearly cares for, she found Vi resting on her back with an arm over her face. The creamy coloured duvet must had been shuffled off her by Y/n's sleeping position - hugging a chunk of a duvet, which caused Vi's medium to large breasts to be exposed.

The buds of her nips were pointed and hard, probably from not having a cover to warm her up. Then, what remains were snores that caused the wakening of Y/n. Y/n moved her way closer and adjusted the coverings to make sure Violet was warm, after all - she was pleased that someone in her life could actually dominate her and not just of pity.

Y/n believed she was falling for her more, sure - there wasn't any reason for it but it just happens. She didn't know if the words that came out Vi's mouth were truthful but she had hope it was honest.

Y/n hadn't noticed that it was barely morning, the sun was rising but the Firelight's hideout always kept the outside lit up. But it didn't matter since she was now resting her head against Vi's chest.

She wanted this to last, for everything to be beautiful and clean. But she couldn't make that happen, the first big step she had to take was Ruthel and she couldn't back down no more- Unless she wants to go insane.

She couldn't help but think about all these years wearing Silco's gift, would she be able to become the person she was before if Silco didn't disturb her hormones? If so, would she be worthy of Vi?

..Did Silco destroy her life?

The short answer was: yes. Silco almost had the advantage of taking Y/n's untreated illness and use it as a cover up for a death scenario. She feared that one millilitre of Shimmer could kill her if anything awful continues to happen.

Vi'a groans interrupted the worried thoughts and soon after, she was rubbing her eyes and stretching.

"Huh? Why is it so cold?" Vi shivers, grabbing the duvet to cover herself even more, she snuggles up as she shuffled to lean on her side which faces Y/n.

She blinks weakly, not getting used to the light. But once she adjusted, she caught Y/n staring with her jaw hung low slightly. Y/n was resting on her hands, flickering her sight to every part of Vi's face.

"I thought I would be waiting for awhile. Hey Wolfie," Y/n smiles warmly, enjoying Vi's restful scowl as she tries to stretch for a little bit more.

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