18: staring at my lovergirl

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"I can't do love like this."


ALWAYS SPEAKING BUT NEVER UNDERSTANDING, the argument made Y/n storm out the room. For the whole night, she kept on debating on where to sleep. She didn't want to kick Vi out since she knew if she did, Vi would go to Caitlyn.

She spent the night sleeping next to Jinx. Jinx slept on the couch laying down with her legs over Y/n's lap. The couch was small but comfortable. However, snores caused Y/n to stay awake. She decided to sleep in Sevika's room since her room had a couch, but.. SHE SNORES AS WELL. Y/n should've known, she was very tempted in going back to her room. The clock ticking filled her ears as she daydreams, staring into the darkness. Her heart thumps with the clock as she debates on what to do, her mind looking for pros and cons.

Fuck it.

She went back to her bedroom with ease, luckily catching Vi sleeping silently in her bed. Vi's body was facing up with her arm covering her eyes. Y/n sighed, relieved that the pinky didn't notice the painfully tired young adult that entered the room.

As she creeps into her side of the bed, she tries to get comfortable as the cold bedding begins to rise in temperature from the human heat. As she shuts her eyes, she caught the duvet moving underneath her.

"I'm glad you came back," the girl next to her started to shuffle closer until the h/c hair was against Vi's forehead. The harsh breaths tickled Y/n's bare back as Vi moans while trying to lay in a satisfying position.

Ignoring the comment, Y/n's eyebrows closed into each other, "I forgot to mention this but we're going out to dinner later. My friends want to see you."

Vi smiles, hearing the word "we" made her feel more supported. She rests her rough and cold hand on Y/n's shoulder, rubbing it with her thumb.

Vi stares at her thumb, after Y/n left with a storm behind her, the pinky bit her nails with her anxious body, her thumbs started to bleed and she was worried while she was rubbing Y/n, it will tear the scab.

"Did they invite me or are you afraid to say you miss me?" Vi's tired voice whispers, forgetting about the argument and try to lighten up the mood.

"Goodnight," Y/n bluntly said, moving her shoulder off Vi's touch. Slowly missing the feeling as Vi's hand dropped.

"Goodnight, I guess," Vi frowns as she begins to move back to her spot. Y/n had been acting so distant and of course it was reasonable but Vi feared that she lost her.

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