35: black and white hair

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"it's time to say goodbye"

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AN AWKWARD GROAN WAS REPORTED BY SEVIKA. With the worrying news of the leader's arrested state, the middle-aged woman stood in front of the main desk of Stillwater once again. This was the second time and Sevika was already losing faith, how can one become a leader if one can't remain sturdy?

While the tall woman stands stiffly in front of the receptionist, the bored male leans back and pressed his back against the leather and ripped chair. For a well-protected prison, the funds were clearly placed into the protection than the furniture. The desk was dusty, and the sick and heavy feeling of the inside only made the lady cough. It was worse than the air in the Lanes.

"I told you, ma'am... She's. Not. Here."

Sevika called bullshit.

There was no way that high-positioned enforcers would willing take Y/n just for the sake of empowerment, that would be low, way too low for Piltover. Sevika rolled her eyes, scoffing in the process of slamming her dry and large hands onto the edge of the dusty desk. She growls as a random twitching eyebrow caught the receptionist's eye. He scoffs back, letting the cigar smoke fly out the side of his mouth.

"Look, I get it... My ego would be suffering after a prank like this. The last time a recruit entered those doors was one week ago-"

Sadly, Sevika wasn't taking any excuses.

Then the male groans in defeat, "Fine... What's this Y/n's last name, I have all the docs here."

Sevika's face dropped when she heard the question repeating in her head. Her last name? She didn't know anything about Y/n's family name including how she ended up in the Cat House many years ago. She brainstorms, maybe Jinx and Violet would know. Wait, does Vi know about Y/n's disappearance? Was she part of this? No...


The young girl's shoulders went numb after a few minutes held up by these chains. But, it's been hours now and she could finally feel the pain. It felt like a heart-gushing pain, in need of her arms to be chopped off. She didn't care about how she would struggle without arms, fingers- ANYTHING. Y/n just wanted freedom and wanted to be out of these tight restraints.

It wasn't even her body that felt pain. Sure there was more to her body that felt pain, like how her eyes couldn't close because she knew she would wake up with hope that she wasn't in this cramped cell. Or how cold she felt with barely any clothes covering her sensitive skin.

She wanted to breathe again, to smile again.

She was heartbroken, Y/n was heartbroken. Those dried-up tears made her tired eyes no longer reproduce drips of sadness and rage. How could Vi let this happen? Was it worth the pain she gave her eight months ago? Was this her punishment?

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now