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"People pretend to look fine but enemies cut their bodies up"


JUDGEMENT BREATHING INTO THEIR SHOULDERS. One thing that Y/n never got used to was Violet's stubbornness. Throughout the years, they spent so many restless nights and early mornings only because Vi had a mission to accomplish. It wasn't like someone told her to do it, Vi just had some greed infesting her skin.

Y/n would protest, telling Vi that the group doesn't need any more missions to do. That they were fine with picking up coins for another week. But Vi didn't listen. Occasionally, Y/n wouldn't bother to join them, it was pointless missions like stealing money and jewellery. It was only pointless because Vander was a very supported man, people would give up their greens in order to make Vander feel safe. Vander was the heart of the undercity, they needed him.

With this situation, Vi told both Caitlyn and Y/n they must go back to the Brothel. It was like Vi doesn't remember running away from that place. She could get sliced in half if she laid a finger on the entrance's door.

Vi just protested, saying she could handle it and now, Y/n was alone, in an alley with her feet travelling up and down the narrow walkway. Y/n thought Vi's plan was useless, the Brothel wouldn't have any information with Jinx.

We need to check.

Stupid Wolf. The legs of Y/n were bugging out, the need to just leave them was implanted with her steps. But she didn't let herself leave and she had no acknowledgement of why she didn't.

Y/n's dizziness had already left every side of her brain and now she felt less calmer. Medicine. Ruthel, that was the liquid that was injected in her arm. The substance is supposed to cancel out the serotonin in the body, meaning the sudden feeling of anxiety would leave the sight. However, it was so strong for Y/n's mind. The happy sensations would leave too. Now that's gone, now the hysteria numbered.

Y/n took another lap of the building until she decided to walk pass a street, only to hear grunting and bashing coming from a lighted up room.

As she strides to the scene, she popped her head to check what was going on. Catching a woman with coffee brown skin and an inhuman arm, Sevika.

Her eyes expanded as she watches someone very familiar fighting the dark-haired woman. Their pink hair with one side with a buzz cut swaying as she jumps on Sevika to punch her right on the cheek.

Once they pushed back, Y/n walked out the scene, leaving her cover. She stumbled onto the wall that was opposite the open room and that's where she stood, eyes unable to look away while not trying to intervene.

Sevika. Sevika and Violet. There was no side to stick on. Vi was her teammate for the time being and going against her will just make this whole journey worse as it is clear Vi is stuck with her. However, Sevika was like her family. The saviour, the one responsible for her.

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