21: ekko scar and uri

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"It's no big surprise you turned out this way."

- please vote and comment :) it makes me happy


Y/N WASN'T AN UNSOPHISTICATED WOMAN, SHE WASN'T BLIND EITHER. Despite the fact that Y/n had an injured eye from the incident at the bridge, she wasn't childlike enough to forget Violet's "confession".

As they reached the Firelights' hideout, Y/n declared that Vi was in love with Caitlyn. The enforcer had Vi wrapped around her finger in trust and happiness, she noticed that Vi was just blinded by Y/n. The hairs on her nape, her fingertips sensed the emotions painted inside the pinkette's eyes when they planned to take Caitlyn away.

And even now, the two girls were next to each other. Vi was gripping Caitlyn like she was about to slip any second. With Y/n, she stayed with the teenager minx.

Caitlyn was just a step back? It was an act of dishonesty to bring Y/n with them. However, Y/n just cooperated, knowing that letting Vi leave with Jinx would be more of a problem.

Vi didn't love Y/n, Y/n didn't love Vi. It was a messy conversation if it's ever brought up. No one could make an understanding of this and words can't even describe how confusing it is.

Y/n just continued to act interested, hoping Vi would believe she was safe with her.

Jinx looks at Y/n with an intense eyes. Her unnatural orbs of pink sinks into Y/n's dull ones. It appears to show that the minx still hasn't accepted the situation she accidentally walked into.

Y/n didn't look feared one bit, everyone was terrified of Jinx's eyes, with her devil like aura. But Y/n, she didn't break. She was the only one that really stepped forward and make her feel belittle.

"Get over it, Jinx. We have other things to worry about," Y/n barged pass Jinx's skinny but toned shoulders as she started to walk up the stairs.

Jinx frowns, looking back to see if anyone saw Y/n's doings. She caught Caitlyn under Vi's arm as they start talking to Ekko and a group.

Earlier on, Jinx was stripped from her weapons. The alliance had to disarm the teen before she could continue, they also handcuffed her in the process. Her hands clipped against each other in front of her stomach as she begins to follow Y/n.

It took awhile to reach Y/n. She was sat at the date table, where only two chairs sat and a round glass table separately the two.

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