24.5: is it my memories

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here's some time to look down at the vote button and press it;)

ps. ik it's an early upload, i wrote this so quickly and couldn't wait until friday


We never knew how feelings worked, we were too busy trying to make the right and survival choices to pay great attention on the chemical of love.


Life isn't about love though. It's simply about surviving, no matter what type of person you are.

We used to lay down on her bed, she had the top bunk where as I shared with Mylo. It wasn't strange since Mylo was my best companion. I really miss him- But, he was a cunt.

Anyway, some nights had moments with me climbing onto Vi's bed and resting with her. I couldn't actually sleep in her bed since I was always too busy trying to figure out what the plan is for the next day.

One day, Violet and I were sitting and facing each other. Without any source of light, it was comfortable to not see any vulnerable emotions.

"And how are you going to get there?" I always asked that question, hoping that every time - Vi would know how to plan better.

"Ekko, he said there's a shortcut-"


"The building next to Benzo's. Convenient, right?" Vi scoffed.

It was simple until she added, "We need your hunting skills to catch the guy."

If Violet could see my face, it would be the end of her. I was never one to be weak, I had to be strong, sly with a little bit a spice. The spice was being shy. But I didn't look shy, nervous or anything- I looked guilty.

"Can't go, not bothered," I could've sworn I felt my dry throat about to cause another voice crack.

"What? Y/n, you never come with us anymore. What's going on?"

"I'm not bothered and going to Topside is far too dangerous, you know that. Keep Powder here, the less the safer."

The truth is, I had to go for a second interview for the Cat House. I couldn't help but lie in that very moment, I didn't want people to worry.

"Peach- It's for your birthday. Just come."

"My birthday was two days ago."

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now