22: demi hate

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"I see why she wants you."


Y/N CARRIES VI STEADY BUT SLOW, her stumbling steps caused Vi to lighten her weight off the soon to be leader. It was a silent walk, trying to find somewhere comfortable to sit. Luckily they were reached something, a brown leather couch looking very rough had been abandoned on the ground floor near the garbage room.

The pair sat on it and Vi carelessly laid herself across, her head placed on Y/n's lap, eyes shut all relaxed. Little sounds of Y/n's heartbeat pounds into her own ears as she catches the muscular woman below her. The pinkette's hard and very toned left shoulder was brushing against Y/n's forearm as she randomly cups the hotheaded lady's chin.

"Peach, I'm not mad at you.. for what happened to Cait," Vi barely spoke, her voice cutting out at the end from her weak volume.

Y/n smiles, slightly unable to believe her, "Really?"

Vi's head shuffled in a pattern of short nods, "You finally got Sevika as your mother after all these years. Yeah, she's a pain but-"

Vi's lids open, staring straight into Y/n's eyes, "I know y'all are happy as a family. Caitlyn shouldn't have been so.. reckless, and I shouldn't have forgotten about mentioning it. Can you forgive us?"

Her face went worried but hopeful, Y/n's existence started burning up, her heart feeling a tickling sensation. Y/n inhaled and looked up, away from Vi's face. She blinks a few times before exhaling.

"I miss her so much," Y/n ignored the question that painted an expression onto Vi's face.

It wasn't like she didn't want to answer it, she was just quote on quote lazy to speak about this issue.

Y/n kept her composure and glances back down into the plain blue, naturally big eyes of Vi's.

The h/c woman's soft smile (that she didn't know she had) started dropping gradually, causing Vi to twist her head and look up more.

"What is this, Wolf? I know you don't like me. We both don't love each other so-"

Y/n gulps hard, "What is this?"

It took awhile for Vi to answer. However, when she did, her voice was so calming, the same tone she would have when she was cheering her sister up.

"I'm not sure. It's not easy for me either. That kiss at Stillwater, you coming back into my life and everything else - it just feels like the past. You're so irresistible, like so irresistible- but, you make me feel bad..?"

She lost every sense of composure, she stuttered with her words, barely even making eye contact with Y/n, she was just spilling everything out.

Y/n wasn't phased by her expressions. Though, she never expected it would be this confrontational, she pictured Vi to become plain to her, saying she doesn't like her but likes Caitlyn, not this confusing bullshit...

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