12: it was cute

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"Excuse me but holy fuck..."


IT WAS ALL BANTER, VI AND Y/N CHUCKLED FROM THE EXPERIENCE. The pair started to cheer up a bit, mostly Violet, as Y/n was just bruised up. It was a couple of hours after lunch and their floor wasn't given food.

This caused Vi to worry, ever since she got Y/n - her stomach rumbled more than usual. Y/n had to confess that it was one of the side effects of the withdrawal - food only filled her up for a certain amount of minutes. Throughout the years she got used to it, but it has never got this bad since she always had the drug with her.

Now, the pair were talking about what had happened since Y/n left. For Vi, she dreaded the fact that she had to explain it, as for Y/n - she wasn't sympathetic by the slightest. She didn't know what she cared about, but she knew she just wanted Vi and her to stay together.

After the whole story, Y/n hugged Vi to say sorry, she didn't know what she was sorry for, but she thought it was better than doing nothing.

Y/n hasn't been feeling any pain in her body yet, it was coated with a fuzzy feeling going around her entire body, it was like a barrier.

Even hugging, Vi felt fuzzy, unable to actually feel her body against hers. She just had to pretend.

Vi pulls away and begins to stand up, going back to her bed to sit down. Y/n was left with her arms on her sides and her legs covered with the blanket.

Y/n started to raise up, gripping onto the wall, to start walking towards Vi. Vi's peripherals caught Y/n's figure moving, it alerted Vi but was hushed by the girl.

Y/n looked down as she lets go off the wall, moving her legs slowly with every unstable step. She takes a deep, deep breath as her tingling sensations began to add weight.

She was about to raise her foot once again until it got caused on her pants, creating her downfall to come. Furthermore, she dropped forwards, only for Vi to grab her by her armpits.

She pulled her down to the bed and let Y/n lay on her crossed legs. Y/n groans, annoyed that she couldn't feel any pain, maybe if she did she would know how to move properly.

"Sit up, let me fix something," Vi said with care, lightly pulling Y/n up.

Y/n didn't need her help, she rose her back up with support of her arms straight out. She twists her body and raised her knees to her chin, hugging her legs, so she couldn't fall backwards.

OIL BEHAVIOUR . (VI ARCANE)Where stories live. Discover now