31: the money had been discovered

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"drunk and oh"

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quite a long chap, soz


Y/N'S PATIENCE WAS THINNING OUT. After a week of a busy schedule, Y/n and Jinx were so close yet so far to the simple and stress-free weekend.

Day and night, Y/n and Jinx were continuing to eliminate Silco's loyal goons (which was lessened by the month). But after Amerald started to gain popularity, Shimmer was no longer in the picture.

That didn't mean that Silco's goons weren't using Shimmer. Talk ran around the city about secret supplies of Shimmer and of course, Y/n heard. That's when she kills but, if you're lucky, you'll only get your nails peeled off. (These punishments were only appropriate for the Adults)

The pair would help victims by giving them free packages of the alternative Shimmer. They would baby feed them and pour Amerald into food courses to neutralise the drugged body filled with Shimmer.

It was a weird look for Y/n, the way she babied every diseased victim and treated them like family. She helped them with everything - feeding them if they were unable to function and picking them up if they ever needed help.

She was so loving to the city, which was a new look from her crazed persona. Nevertheless, it was a sight for sore eyes. Jinx once said that Y/n was acting like her seventeen-year-old self and Y/n didn't understand what she meant by that.

Jinx saw that caring nature as a power, Y/n never looked insecure and would do tasks so proudly even if she didn't know how to do them.

She was an idol and everyone knew about her past. Throughout her acts of leadership - the unknown called her "their dream girl", and "their dream leader", but what they didn't know was how sick their leader was.

Yes, she's smart, helpful, beautiful- stunning, may I add... however, that woman was nothing but evil. The world didn't know what she did to Silco's goons, the victims were either too stunned to speak or dead. Furthermore, she was amazing at covering crimes.

She was mindful with every single scene she made, it could be a cry for help to brutally executing someone, she knew how it would benefit and how long that luck will last.

But, predicting the future was not her "power", it's just how her surviving mind moves.

Nevertheless, no one viewed it from another perspective. They just thought Y/n was just another... traumatised child who was suddenly incapable of being scared.

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