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The sweltering summer heat beats down on the city as the month of July approaches. It's hot enough to give someone a heat stroke.

Which is the reason that Jimin is thoroughly confused as to why his roommate is outside mowing the lawn. He stands shirtless looking through the back window of the air conditioned home. Sipping on a cool glass of lemonade, he watches Jungkook wipe his forehead and face with the hand towel held up by his shorts.

He finishes the last strip of the backyard and turns the mower off. He puts it back in the shed before walking into the house, kicking his sneakers off at the door.

Jimin hands him a glass of ice water on his way in and he thanks him.

"Mhm. Wanna tell me why you're doing activities like it isn't hot enough to fry an egg on our driveway?"

Jungkook gulps down the water and looks at him. His heavy breathing causes the sweat on his chest to roll to his torso faster.

"Because it needed to be mowed. It was getting high since you haven't touched it in a month."

"Don't blame this on me. I've been busy with work."

"So have I. The lawn needed to mowed, I mowed it. Why are you pestering me?" He questions his roommate and the man raises an eyebrow as he puts his lips on his straw. He shakes his head and watches as Jungkook skips steps to go upstairs and shower before streaming. He looks out of the side window and sees their neighbors outside with a few friends.

Damien is participating in conversation with a withdrawn Raina at his side.

"Man, nah. You trippin. The Saints gonna bust the Steelers ass this season. You smokin crack if you think otherwise."

"I guess I'm a crackhead then." Their friend says and the group laughs. Raina watches as everyone chuckles. She missed the joke being spaced out so she feigns laughter.

Her fingers are intertwined in front of her as her nervousness rises. She reaches out to hold Damien's arm as his friends are conversing. He moves away slightly but she manages to grab him anyway.

"Stop, Raina. It's hot as hell and you tryna be in my skin." He shakes her arm off. "Come on with that shit. Go in the house with the A.C. or something, man." He scolds her in front of their company and they all look at her like she's a child being reprimanded in a classroom.

She puts her head down and walks into the house. Her sulk is obvious and Damien sees it.

"Here she go. Now she gonna act like I'm the bad guy." He mumbles to his friends as she closes the sliding door. She walks upstairs to their bedroom and bedroom and closes the door.

Her heart sinks as she sits on the bed. She sniffles as her eyes water. The repeated 'don't cry' phrase plays in her mind. She puts her head back, blinking back her tears. They slide down the sides of her face and she wipes them, forcing herself not to let this get any further.

She feels her breathing becoming labored as her heart rate speeds up. She balls into herself for comfort. Raina closes her eyes as she cries. Everything feels tight on her. She's hot, she's uncomfortable. She cannot breathe. Her heart hammers in her chest as she lays on her side and squeeze her eyes shut. She bites her lips to contain her cries.

After seven minutes of this, she feels faint as she begins to calm down. Her skin is marked up from her scratching at herself. She feels clammy as she sits up on the bed. Her tear stained face looks back at her in the mirror. She looks away and gets up to grab her shower things.

Raina turns the hot water on and opens the window all the way. The steam filters out and she steps under the water. She stands there for several minutes before she begins to wash her body. And when she's finished, she continues to stand there.

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