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Damien grabs a cart and Raina starts walking down aisles to get what they need. She shops silently, saying nothing to him.

He reads and replies to text messages as they walk. Eventually, he realizes that the cart is getting full and that they're almost done.

Raina stops by the technology section and looks through their vinyls while he's distracted on his phone. She grabs three that she didn't have before. Kendrick Lamar's m.A.A.d. city, Queen's Greatest Hits and Selena's Ones.

Raina loves Selena. She listens to her all the time. Or listened, rather. When she had her AirPods. Raina watched the Selena movie, she's read any and everything that there is to read about the Tejano singer.

She holds the vinyls as her and Damien walk to the front of the store. They load the groceries on first and Damien pays for them. Raina pays for her vinyls next as he pushes the cart out of the store.

They get the groceries in the trunk and she holds her vinyls with her in the front seat. Damien double takes as he sees the Selena vinyl.

"You not playing that around the house, are you?"

"I don't have a turntable."

"I'm saying, in general. Where you gonna put all that stuff at?" He asks as he starts the car.

"I'm thinking about putting them on display. Like with floating wall shelves. And when I do get the turntable, I can put it on my dresser."

"It's not enough room for all that in our bedroom. I gotta stream and shit. I don't want all that old vintage stuff in my background."

Raina puts her hands in her lap, rubbing her fingers.

"Okay. I can put it in the living room then. It might look better there anyway." She says as she thinks about placement.

"Hell nah. We be having company. Ain't nobody tryna see all that. Cause then if somebody touch the shit and break it, you gonna be boo hoo crying like you can't buy another one."

"It's not about the money. It doesn't matter how much it costed or if it's replaceable. It's mine and I bought it. Why would I want it to be ruined?"

"I'm not saying you want it to be ruined. That's dumb. I'm just saying you be crying about the shit like it can't be replaced. Just buy another one. It's not that fucking serious."

"To you." She states plainly.

"What?" He asks with an attitude. She ignores him as he parks in their driveway. She gets out of the car and starts grabbing grocery bags. Damien unlocks the door and she puts them on the counter. She grabs her vinyls and takes them upstairs, putting them in her vinyl case.

She helps him being the rest of the groceries in and he can tell that she has an attitude.

"I know you not mad about them vinyl shits forreal."

Raina ignores him and continues putting the groceries away.

He stands in her way as she tries to put the milk and fruit in the refrigerator.

"Excuse me." She says monotonously, waiting for him to move.

"Why you got an attitude?"

"Excuse me."

"The fuck is you mad for?"

Raina puts the stuff on the counter and goes to put away the dry foods and canned goods. He smacks his teeth.

"Hello? I'm talking to you."

"Why can you put your stuff up but I can't? I live here too and my name is also on the lease."

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