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"...he asked for a break..because he said she's been acting different and angry?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah." Jungkook affirms. "That's what she said that he said. He said that he thinks she needs therapy and that it's draining him to deal with the way she's been acting."

Jimin and Jungkook look at each other as they watch TV. Raina is upstairs in her music room, reading one of her books.

"But isn't coming out of her shell what he wanted?" Jimin tilts his head. "It's all he complains about. That doesn't even make any sense."

"That's what I said but if he wants to be dumb, more power to him. I hope he acts like a complete asshat. He wants her to be compliant and she's not. He wants her to come out of her shell on his terms and conditions and that's not how this works." Jungkook says as he stands up. He stretches and looks at the time.

"I just find it suspicious that he asks for a break right before he goes out of town." Jimin says. "Like that's so obvious of a sign."

"Raina wouldn't think that way. He's instilled it in her head so much that she's the problem, he'll get away with the excuse he told her. Even with everything he's said, I don't think she'd think he would do that to her."

"That's so fucked."

"Mhm." Jungkook hums as he grabs a bottle of water and a bottle of chocolate milk. "Don't worry about it though. I got her."

He smiles as he jogs up the stairs.

"I know you do." Jimin says as he turns the volume on the TV up a little more. He turned it down when he and Jungkook started talking so that he could hear him better.

Upstairs, Jungkook pokes his head into the music room. Raina looks up at him.

"I got you chocolate milk. I'm gonna stream. Do you want to come?" He nods his head in the direction of his gaming room.

"Yeah." She marks her spot and gets up from the couch. They walk into the room and she sits on his chaise. He hands her the chocolate milk and she thanks him. Jungkook gets his desktop set up and starts the streaming.

He adjusts the camera knowing they're going to tell him to do it anyway. Raina looks at him as he starts his greeting, saying hi to everyone joining. She waves from the back and he smiles at the screen.

As he selects his load-out, she sticks her nose back into the book. She looks up every now and then to see what he's doing or talking about. He lets his viewers know that their vlog will be out soon. He just has to finish editing everything to post it.

He streams for an hour and a half before realizing that Raina has fallen asleep. He finishes the game and ends the stream.

Picking Raina up, he carries her to his bedroom. He puts the covers over her before showering and getting into bed with her. On a sleep filled instinct, she spoons herself into him. Jungkook happily wraps his arm around her and falls asleep for the night.


In the morning, the sun shining through the windows wakes him up. He looks at the time on his phone and groans. It's almost 11. He's off today so there's no rush to wake up. Except for making sure that Raina eats.

Jimin is probably making food right now. He's off as well so he has the time to do it.

Jungkook props himself up on his elbow and pushes his hair back. He blinks a few times before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. He uses it and washes his hands before brushing his teeth.

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