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It takes Raina an incredible amount of strength to get out of bed for the next few days. Her body is sore and she feels drained beyond belief. Dinner with her parents was the same way it's always been. She was happy to see them, of course. But she felt as though they didn't see her.

They talked about work and what they've been doing recreationally. They asked Damien about work and how his family has been doing. They asked Raina about how she's liking the city, how she's adjusting to the bustling life of being close to Center.

She answered and Damien added on that he's trying to get her out more but she won't go. Neither of them mentioned anything about what had happened earlier that day.

Her father expressed how happy he is that she is with a man who understands the struggles and appreciates the achievements of black women.

Raina didn't feel like being embarrassed any further nor did she feel like being scolded so she kept her mouth closed. She just wanted to sleep after the long day. That night, she slept as far away from Damien as possible so that she wouldn't end up under him in the morning.

He was frustrated with her and she didn't want to give him any other reason to be. It's been that way for the last three days. When she tries to talk to him, he gives hums of acknowledgement and that's it.

It's disheartening but what could she expect?

She gets out of bed and trudges to the bathroom. She takes almost an hour long shower before she's ready to get out. She opens the bathroom door to let the steam go out and feels the difference in temperature. The cool air makes her shiver as she dries off in the bathroom.

Raina gets dressed in leggings and a slightly oversized t shirt. She checks the time and puts on her strappy sandals, letting the whites of her toes hang out. She leaves her hair in its curly state, the overgrown bangs touching her lashes and the rest at her shoulder's length. She feels more comfortable in public with her hair like this. Thank the heavens for curly hair.

She walks downstairs to the kitchen and makes herself a bowl of cereal. She uses a minimal amount of milk, just enough needed to keep her cereal a little submerged. When she's finished, she pours the rest down the drain.

She grabs her keys and the cup of mandarin oranges before walking out to her car. Looking over to the neighbors house, she sees that they are outside. It looks like they're putting a trampoline together. Jimin looks to the side, seeing movement in his peripheral.

He smiles when he sees Raina and waves with his arm high in the air. Jungkook turns his head to see what he's so smiley for and ends smiling as well.

"Hi, Raina!" Jimin greets her and she waves back. She doesn't open her mouth to speak to them though. She unlocks her car door and gets inside. Her neighbors watch her as she pulls out of the driveway.

She connects her phone to the Bluetooth and plays Paramore's playlist. She makes it through two full songs before Still Into You is interrupted by a phone call. Her shoulders drop and she sighs dramatically. Her boyfriend's name shows up on the car's touch screen. She pushes the green answer button.


"Yeah, baby. What you doing?"

"I'm on my way to the grocery store."

"Again? I thought we just went shopping." He says thoughtfully. He could have sworn that he gave her the money for groceries just two weeks ago.

"I did. But after the party, we barely have anything left."

"Oh~. Yeah, that makes sense. My bad. Anyway, I called because I ordered something from Best Buy and they just texted me and said that it's ready for pickup."

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